Q: Iran said it had signed a nuclear fuel swap deal with Turkey and Brazil.
White dwarfs are stars that have burned up all of the hydrogen they once used as nuclear fuel.
With the cooling system down, the water that surrounds the nuclear fuel rods began to burn off.
It is typically built in such a way that the nuclear fuel will be spread out, so it can cool down.
The spike in measured radiation levels may indicate damage to the nuclear fuel containment vessel.
But stars like our sun swell into bloated red giants when the nuclear fuel in their cores is depleted.
The nuclear deal will allow American companies to sell nuclear fuel, reactors and technology to India.
One focus was to prospect the lunar surface for natural resources, including uranium for nuclear fuel.
A large leak of underground carbon dioxide could be as dangerous as a leak of nuclear fuel, critics say.
Without cooling water, the irradiated nuclear fuel could spontaneously combust in an exothermic reaction.
In addition to the reactor cores, the storage pool for highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel is also at risk.
Iran agreed to transfer the bulk of its known nuclear fuel to other countries to enrich it, Western officials said.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced Friday it would set up a self-run repository for nuclear fuel.
India is also insisting that it be given the explicit right to reprocess nuclear fuel - again, in contradiction of the US law.
But figuring out what to do with the nuclear fuel they generate is a big issue - and one that hasn't been resolved for decades.
A meltdown occurs when nuclear fuel rods cannot be cooled, thus melting the reactor core and causing a release of radioactivity.
As nuclear cores melt down, reacting nuclear fuel creates many different radioactive elements, all with different toxic effects.
In response, the Iranian Foreign Minister proposed on December 12 that Iran will swap 400 kg of enriched uranium for nuclear fuel.
That programme was about “weaponisation”: the fiddly business of making a device that can set off a chain reaction in nuclear fuel.
The conduit poses potential competition to Russia, a country on which Armenia remains highly reliant, for everything from nuclear fuel to grain.
But there are remaining issues from that pact, including parameters for India's reprocessing of nuclear fuel that originates in the United States.
Spiralling costs are already leading to consolidation in the nuclear fuel industry, so a multilateral future may not be so unlikely, says Anthony.
The several dozen workers now attempting to cool the overheating nuclear fuel at the Fukushima plant face the gravest danger from radiation sickness.
This approach could extract far more energyfrom a given amount of nuclear fuel while at the same time reducing the volumeand toxicity of nuclear waste.
The nuclear fuel rods in reactors one, two and three melted down due to a failure of the cooling systems, causing damage to their containment structures.
The first consignment of nuclear fuel for Bushehr from Russia under the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards finally arrived in Tehran on Monday.
The first consignment of nuclear fuel for Bushehr from Russia under the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards finally arrived in Tehran on Monday.