The lamp in this photo may go unnoticed in another setting, but with the large amount of blank space, it is the only object on which the eye can rest.
Running into the object of affection in a public place is also a killer, especially if he or she gives mixed signals by making persistent eye contact.
When placed in front of an LCD, the screen creates a sense of depth using the parallax effect (each eye views an object from a slightly different Angle).
In this way, you become attached to that Rolls Royce. That means that you are attached to a non-living thing because of its color and form – a visible object – and because of the eye.
The human eye tends to adjust to local lighting conditions, so an object that looks white in a dimly lit room may in fact be less bright than an object that looks grey in full daylight.
For example, you see a brand new Rolls Royce car. In this case there is a visible object and there is the eye that makes the mind or consciousness see the object.
Look around and grab something that "catches your eye." Now sit in front of the object and study it for a moment.
Another distinction is men are able to imagine, change, and rotate an object in their mind's eye.
A step dynamic object positioning method of robot eye-in-hand vision was proposed.
With its symbolic significance, competition within the media market in Nanjing has caught the eye of the media industry and has been the object of study.
The obtained results are of practical importance in theory and applications such as object pose estimation, hand-eye coordination and robot navigation.
In this paper a novel approach for object tracking using multiple cues is presented, based on the investigation of human eye tracking.
In this paper a novel approach for object tracking using multiple cues is presented, based on the investigation of human eye tracking.