Rolston argues that the duty of human beings to nature should be based on the objective value of nature itself.
In fact, the objective weighting coefficient should include the impersonal weight, which comes from the objective value.
Marx's argument is that the two forms of belief, belief in the objective value of the commodity and belief in God, are the same.
The existence of an enterprise lies in its value and an enterprise is an integrated entity of its subjective and objective value.
Robust optimization is defined as an approach to find a solution whose objective value is close to that of the optimal solution for all scenarios.
Science and technology have multiple values containing material value and spiritual value, objective value and instrument value, meanwhile they produce negative effects.
The optimal objective value is a complicated piecewise linear function of the right-hand-side vector of the constraints, and its analytical expression is normally hard to obtain.
The strict applied prerequisites make it sure that estoppels by waiver is an objective value judgment of law on the basis of the value selection of law by the creditor's outward appearance.
The conviction that historical relics provide infallible testimony about the past is rooted in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when science was regarded as objective and value free.
The objective is to evaluate the clinical value and method of percutaneous intradiscal and injection of sclerosant.
目的是探讨 CT 导向下经皮穿刺注入硬化剂的临床疗效。
The objective is to study the applical value on medical OB glue preventing bile leadage during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
The objective is to study the value of HPV immunohistochemical technique and in situ hybridization for diagnosis of condylomata.
So there are multiple points in the feasible region that yield the same value for the objective function.
Try relaxing the value of each bounded constraint one at a time, solve the modified problem, and see what happens to the optimal value of the objective function.
The soldier demand, however, is not bounded, thus its state is B, and a relaxation in it will not change the objective function's optimal value.
This marginal says that if the value of the brownie variable could ever be -1, the objective function would improve by 0.275, but of course that is not useful for this problem's setup.
如果巧克力松糕变量的临界值可以是-1,那么目标函数就还可以改进 0.275,但是对于这个问题的具体情况来说,这当然没什么用处。
A bounded constraint prevents the objective function from reaching a better value.
The objective is to define resource classifications that have the greatest operational value to the organization without creating the hardship of unwarranted analysis.
Driven by that profit objective, Toyota executives reasoned American consumers would be willing to pay a premium for a Toyota — a change from a long-held strategy of pricing cars at a value.
The objective of this step is to select and prioritize projects to deliver the highest value, based on the pre-established portfolio business decision and priority criteria.
The first section says that the solution found is integer optimal, and that the value found for the objective function is 23, a minimum.
Therefore, a relaxation of one unit in that constraint (an increment of one hour) would make the objective function's optimal value become better by the marginal value 1 and become 181.
因此,这个约束中放松一个单位(增加一个小时)可以使目标函数的优化值增加边界值1,成为 181。
The optimal value of the relaxed objective function (the one that didn't consider the decision variables as integers) is also printed here.
An iso-quanta is a line in space formed by points with the same objective function value.
iso - quanta是由具有相同目标函数值的点所构成的空间中的一条线。
Therefore, the x2 variable would change the value of the objective function by 0 if it could ever be relaxed.
In other words, a change in x2 won't change the objective function's value, given that the constraint holds for the new (x1, x2) pair.
换而言之,当约束使用新的(x 1,x2)对时,x2的变化不会引起目标函数值的变化。
The objective of the apply object is to apply the compare function on the value picked from the bag (returned by AttributeDesignator) and compare it to the value specified in the condition.
For example, from the scenarios discussed in this series, the objective was to establish business value in the form of.
This milestone results in an objective assessment of whether or not business value is able to be efficiently delivered through use of your IT governance solutions.
Frequently, the objective of the desired system is to solve business problems or exploit business opportunities by offering value added services.