RESULTS There were 12 dogs surviving until prearranged observation period.
But no correlation was found between N2O fluxes and soil moisture during the observation period.
Treatment was carried out randomly and double-blindly with the observation period of 6 hr in each case.
During the observation period, declines in HDL were found to be associated with corresponding declines in memory.
Observation period was 24 months to compare the differences of patients with chronic renal failure in two groups.
If the observation period is counted by millimicrosecond, a difference in a second would turn out to be a ridiculous joke.
Blood gas analysis was made and serum level of cholesterol and triglyceride were measured before and after the observation period.
Of the 4905 patients included in this analysis, 1808 (37%) reported hydroxychloroquine use at some time during the observation period.
Other antihypertensive agents, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents were discontinued 2 weeks before and throughout the observation period.
During observation period, the soil moisture of each layer presents to reduce trend with various time, and it is closely related with rainfall.
Among the 109 whose tumors did not grow over the observation period, which for some patients was up to 15 years, no melanoma-related deaths occurred.
All close contacts of the patient, including health care workers, have remained in good health throughout the observation period, which has now ended.
Another 2 rats were selected as the normal control, which underwent none of the injections but eyeball extraction at the end of the observation period.
The other 49 people seated nearby on the same plane have been isolated for a 10-day doctor observation period, said Yoichi Masuzoe, Japan's health minister.
日本厚生劳动大臣舛添要一(Yoichi Masuzoe)说,机上另外49位坐在他们附近的乘客已经开始为期10天的医学观察期。
The authors report insufficient evidence to determine the minimally acceptable observation period to ensure that neurologic functions have ceased irreversibly.
It lengthens the observation period of mergers and acquisitions performance and sets strict screening standards of samples against the previous research deficiencies.
Others remain in quarantine, but are expected to be released over the next few days, as the 14-day observation period mandated by China's health authorities draws to a close.
There would be another period of critical observation and the final verdict, delivered more quietly this time: "But it really is moving. I can see it.
That hypothesis is supported by the observation that soot levels fell during the 1970s, a period when many European countries enacted clean-air regulations.
The microscopic observation showed that silk gland degeneration gradually occurred during the spinning period.
The FBI's evidence suggests a lengthy period of observation.
Through observation on shock wave and multiple pulsating caused by underwater blasting, the velocity, period, frequency and energy of shock wave and multiple pulsating are analysed.
The women were included if they conceived at least once during prospective observation (1996-1998) and provided daily urine samples over a 12-month period.
妇女是包括的,如果他们设想了一次至少在预期观察期间(1996- 1998)和,假设每日尿样在12个月的期间。
Subsidence monitoring is observation the distortion monitoring body in a period of time, then analyzing and judging applying the theory of adjustment and mathematics statistics.
The gravimetric observation curves at Chengdu Standard Station showed significantly annual variation period, with air pressure and ground water being main interference factors.
A repeated period of measurement across the fault is mainly determined by observation accuracy and rate of deformation. It is the best period for they to match reasonably.
In this paper investigations of the electromagnctic environment near Earth space by the observation and studying of ULF waves in the maximun period of the 22nd solar cycle are introduced.
In this paper investigations of the electromagnctic environment near Earth space by the observation and studying of ULF waves in the maximun period of the 22nd solar cycle are introduced.