The observers observed the UFO of the observation post.
53US Army soldiers from the 2-27th Infantry Regiment work out at Observation Post Mustang.
Gloz had been up to inspect the disposition for the attack and was on his way to an observation post.
I walked 600 meters uphill on an ammunition drop to the observation post that overlooks the military outpost there.
Steven Schwigert, 24, of Detroit, MI. stands outside the entrance to Observation Post Coleman in Kunar province, Afghanistan.
To the Israelis they were plainly sniper rounds, one of which struck and killed a lieutenant colonel, standing in an observation post 200 metres away.
In the so-called "spy Cell", the children can occupy a high observation post and survey the scene through observation slits, spy holes, mirrors and magnifying glasses.
U. S. Army soldiers from the 27th Infantry Regiment pull a bobcat tractor out of the mud at their mountaintop position at Observation Post Mustang in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.
Through the years the tower has played many roles, one of which was during World War II in which the tower was used as an observation post and amazingly survived the whole ordeal.
“From my observation, the glass ceiling is still a reality,” said Dr Geneviève Berger, who recently stepped down from the board of Unilever to take an executive post.
刚刚离开联合利华(Unilever)董事会并担任另一份高管职位的吉娜维夫•伯杰博士(Dr Geneviève Berger)认为:“从我的观察来看,玻璃天花板的存在仍是现实。”
One observation was that narcissists tend to post many pictures of themselves with others and at parties.
The moment was too grave to admit of the sentinel abandoning his duty and his post of observation.
Brad ends the post with the following observation.
Methods 784 patients with laparoscopic cholecystectomy were given psychological nursing before operation, disease evaluation and the observation and nursing of post - operation complications.
This calculation was also confirmed by the observation under SEM, that the pore size enlarged in the whole area of the sample after post-crystallization.
Flexibility: the tutor should be able to be flexible and respond to the teacher in the post-observation discussion.
The authors reported their observation and nursing of complications by indwelling floating catheter in post liver-transplantation patients.
This paper mainly discusses the issues of monitoring the verticalness central deformation and the turning round of Sichuan TV tower by post-processing static observation of GPS.
The qualitative data is obtained mainly from the writer's participant observation, a post-course interview, and the participants' end-of-course reflections.
After post-operative complications in two groups of patients, upper limb function follow-up observation of the inside of sensory.
The experiment result of Colonic Transit Test have distinct difference between pre- and post-treatment of observation, PO.
DESIGN: Retrospective analysis and self pre-and post-control observation.
Objective To observe the clinical observation of Aobei micro-perfusion pump in post-operative analgesia.
Systematic anatomical and histological observation were made of development of the ovary, both in the foetal and post-natal stages, of the Hulambs.
Systematic anatomical and histological observation were made of development of the ovary, both in the foetal and post-natal stages, of the Hulambs.