It didn't occur to me that there'd be a big festival on at the same time as my holiday.
I love this picture named ORANGE SEASON. At sight of its name, melancholy didn't occur to me.
Besides, everytime when people mention snow, the snow white in fairy, who is beautiful and kind, will occur to me.
It didn't occur to me to arrest him. It did not even cross my mind that I was a detective. My only thought was my personal safety.
Flowers had singled me out for attention, nor did it occur to me that Momma might have asked her to give me a little talking to.
If I were to say all the unpleasant things that occur to me about posthumous memoirs I should have nothing left for my posthumous memoirs.
It didn't immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car.
It didn't immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car.
Oh, my dear , something occur to me that I will recommend a crazy golden sentence from Liyang to you: Something attempted, something done.
Often I'll be sitting on the back porch reading a book, and it will occur to me that some chore needs to be done - pruning the laurel hedge, for example.
The second thought was fear, channelled into self-preservation: I jumped out of bed and grabbed my clothes from the floor. It didn't occur to me to arrest him.
Being nearly nine years the wrong side of 40 it wouldn't occur to me to go anywhere near them; just think of all the books I could read, or conversations I could have, with all those hours instead.
在我40 年生活最近的9年中,我本来无论怎样也不会接触到这些网站;只要想想在那些时间里我能读多少书、我能聊多少天!
If any bright thoughts occur to you pass them straight to me. Have you got any?
The negative might occur when I’ve been hurt or someone close to me gets hurt.
And that leaves me with the belief that miracles, no matter how inexplicable or unbelievable, are real and can occur without regard to the natural order of things.
The negative might occur when I've been hurt or someone close to me gets hurt.
He said that for me that the myth of the past is a golden age, that he always harking back to occur in Grand Detour in Illinois.
And as I said, presumptuous of me to say this, if that occurs and continues to occur, it will benefit the whole world.
I'm beginning to see why god allowed certain things in my life to occur: they have made me a better, stronger, realer person.
I don't think it takes anyone extremely smart or me to know that the second of the two scenarios is likelier to occur.
The things you want to avoid at all cost will occur more and more - me.
The elder brother, in my mind has been the human who I admire, I did not think that you have any matter to occur, I only hope me all family members well, well.
Sometimes, even when opinions clash and arguments occur between me and my parents, I still fight to do the things I think are right for me.
There were so many things that meant a lot to me but were never to occur again.
Situations like these not only upset me extermely but help me focus more on finding the right solution to implement in our playschool so this incident will never occur.
I can say the events will occur soon-and they actually will-but you expect too much for me to be able to pinpoint precisely when.
Mine is mine eventually, I after all am your traveler, and you always don't love me. It is to be doomed that there is nothing to occur between me and you.
The realization hit me that I can expect this kind of personal contact with death to occur with greater and greater frequency.
Would you please kindly teach me how to conclude that self oscillation will occur by looking at the layout of components on the circuit board ?
Would you please kindly teach me how to conclude that self oscillation will occur by looking at the layout of components on the circuit board ?