I'm essentially updating the location of account 12345 with an HTTP PUT to this address.
It is the unit of account for commodities such as crude oil that are traded globally.
Find the best type of account for your needs by browsing the eBay Developers Program Fees.
浏览 eBay开发者计划 收费清单以找到你需要的最佳帐户类型。
Create a table called accounts. This fictional table mocks a storage table of account Numbers.
These types of account attributes should be managed manually. Typically attributes to change could be.
Since the interest rate is an attribute of Account table, the Account dimension table needs to be added.
The service called Clickatell SMS Receipts notifies banking customers of account activity via SMS alerts.
I don't feel I've got any sort of account going here as to how consciousness works, even if I become a dualist.
We accept money as a means of payment, as a unit of account and, most importantly in this context, as a store of value.
The SDRs have been used as a unit of account among IMF members and other international organizations since introduction in 1969.
It is also a synthetic unit of account, a monetary basket with the following weights: US dollar 44%, euro 34%, yen and sterling 11% each.
In the next column in this series, I will apply the method to the banking domain of account management and describe each step with an example.
Distributed single sign-on protocols also play a part here, enabling the expensive part of account management to be concentrated at one point.
The SDR, which as created in 1969 as a unit of account, was initially pegged to the dollar, but is now based on dollars, euros, sterling and yen.
First, many Twitter users "have abandoned their accounts shortly after creating them, and a significant percentage are not showing signs of account activity".
The amount recorded in books of account shall not be adjusted even though a fluctuation in their value may occur, except otherwise stipulated by the State.
Greek citizens would probably try to maintain the euro as a unit of account and means of exchange, leading to parallel circulation of the drachma and the euro.
Contacts on the desktop: Along the lines of account syncing, the ability to add specific contacts to my Android desktop is something I’ve long wanted on the iPhone.
Gold is the objective indicator of inflation: When its price in any currency rises substantially, that means the unit of account is weakening and that we're inflating.
A simplified kind of account called Mzansi was launched in 2004 to reach the unbanked, and portable banks and ATMs have been rolled out in townships and in the countryside.
This is the most popular kind of account in a bank. Funds are paid in by the customer, who may also ask his employer to pay his wages or salary direct into the account by means of a bank giro credit.
In each phishing scam, thousands of account holders are targeted by criminals, who send emails pretending to be from the customer's bank and directing them to enter their password on a bogus website.
He tried to open an account at the branch of his bank nearest to his workplace.
The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.
The defendant asked for a number of other offences to be taken into account.
I'm looking for the highest rate possible on a short-term certificate of deposit account.
I'm looking for the highest rate possible on a short-term certificate of deposit account.