I revel in that feeling of camaraderie.
Now that your life has changed, the bonds of camaraderie have loosened.
The old hostel culture of camaraderie and socializing among students is gone.
You're one of a number of young players at the club, is there are a lot of camaraderie and togetherness with the young players?
A society that leads to our perfection that leads us to complete and perfect our telos must be held together by bonds of trust, of friendship, of camaraderie.
That's because rugged outdoor challenges can topple rigid office hierarchies and encourage the sort of camaraderie often missing from traditional off-site work events.
A sense of camaraderie grew during the course of the journey. Poker was played, snacks and instant noodle were eaten, gossip was exchanged, and friendships were formed.
There was a feeling of camaraderie that was something I'd never experienced-all these atheists looking for something to believe in, and all these loners looking for a club to join.
He understood the importance of camaraderie and teamwork, as evidenced by his quote. " Basketball is not played simp1y with X's and O's. It's played with both trust and confidence."
Afterwards, as we all went out for ice cream, there was a measure of camaraderie that is rare in any setting, but which normally takes weeks and months of rehearsal to instill in a cast.
The social environment at the boot camp MBA, for example, would be markedly different from the typical two-year MBA experience although, in my view, a similar sense of camaraderie could develop.
In contrast the word camaraderie which comes from the same source as comrade means “familiarity” and sort of a team or group feeling, a warmth, and has never taken on a communist sense.
另一与camrade来源一样的词是camaraderie【译注:意为亲密,友情, 友爱】, 表达”熟识,亲近“之意,带有群体感,温馨等意思。 Camaraderie这词却从来没有”共“味。
The comfortingly clear identities of people who share your outrage, reinforcing your opinion with camaraderie and conversation -- do these things stoke anger that would have otherwise fizzled out?
That wastes the time and talents of some fine stars and deprives KFP2 of the communal camaraderie of these experts in kick-ass.
There is a sense of loyalty and camaraderie when you've trained with guys, you've done shifts with them for years.
But male colleagues tend to sideline women who do not join late-nightdrinking sessions, a traditional way of building office camaraderie.
Over the years, the itinerant lifestyle came to be part of the Gypsy culture, and though it is easy to romanticize camaraderie! Freedom!
Emilia's infant daughter, Isabel, has recently died, exiling Emilia from the careless camaraderie of mothers and leaving her marriage to Jack Woolf in danger of collapse.
It is a sport enjoyed by persons of varied professions, who join together in a camaraderie born of their common interest in working with their dogs.
Sports are such a great teacher. I think of everything they've taught me: camaraderie, humility, how to resolve differences.
Before the results were announced, Lambert and Allen had a moment of musical camaraderie: They joined together with Queen on the rock anthem "we Are the Champions."
While I thought that games provide a way to bond friendships and to relax, I often see a friendship broken up because of a player who considered winning to be more important than camaraderie.
Passion for the product, coupled with the sheer number of coffee shops across the city, has created a culture of constant improvement through competition and camaraderie.
The resulting camaraderie acknowledges credit where it is due, celebrating the combined potentials of everyone, then striving for the next level.
Not only had he missed out on the camaraderie-building road trips while injured, he lost one of his closest friends on the team when Javaris Crittenton went to Memphis in the Gasol trade.
Then, instead of affirming the experience of struggle and competition, we can shift our experience to the reality of ease and pleasurable camaraderie with the fellow citizens of the world.
Don't miss another enriching Rotary experience, the camaraderie, the fun, and the incomparable Thai hospitality in the Venice of Asia!
Camaraderie: Team sports introduce you to all types of personalities and helps you appreciate differences in others and build friendships. Being part of something beyond yourself is powerful.
Camaraderie: Team sports introduce you to all types of personalities and helps you appreciate differences in others and build friendships. Being part of something beyond yourself is powerful.