The people who make it their job to ride horses in races got their professional title through a mixture of love and hate.
Now, is the problem of love and hate to be solved within the field of its own conflict or must thought-feeling go above and beyond its known pattern?
I seem happy because my negative part, a mix of love and hate, which resisted the pleasant sensation of dancing into the brighter world from the darkness.
Some commonalities with love, however, are striking, the study authors note. The areas of the putamen and insula that are activated by individual hate are the same as those for romantic love.
You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.
The Pal·Kuchajin's heroic behaviors of daring to hate, daring to love, and being not afraid of anything, can't be washed out by the escaped time.
We've all heard people say, "I took a job I hate in order to make a lot of money, so someday I can quit and do what I love to do."
I don't hate Britain, and I am not ashamed of my nationality, but I have no idea why I should love this country more than any other.
He'll love and hate equally under cover, and esteem it a species of impertinence to be loved or hated again.
Because I want to be a symbol of hope, love, optimism, comfort, and guidance in a world seemingly filled with so much hate, cynicism, neglect, greediness, and selfishness.
However, aside from him, I had a small group of friends who were totally honest about their love-hate relationship with the company and were exploring other options.
He had had a 20-year love-hate relationship with a girlfriend and was living, at the time of his diagnosis, with his widowed mother.
David, the younger by three years, speaks unashamedly of his struggle to keep up with the high-achieving James, his emotions swinging from pride and love to envy and hate.
Instead, you should be thinking when they make you feel hate something, you should do in order to keep the atmosphere of love and humor clever reverse the situation.
The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, an object, or an idea.
Love, hate, greedy, envy, wrath and other emotion are all able to be used as a resource of energy.
A definition paper discusses abstract terms such as liberty, equality, beauty, love, hate, etc., the denotative and especially connotative meanings of which are open to various interpretations.
Our textbooks celebrate war, and cover up the horrors of war. They instill hatred in children. I will teach them peace, not war, love them, and not hate them.
These rock singers who sing the young people of civil rights, war and peace in the attitude displayed by their social discontent, also sing the love and hate between the various feelings.
True forgiveness is willingness to let go of judgments and see the situation differently. It has to do with experiencing love and joy instead of fear and hate, says Dr. Sylvest.
Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies. Quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.
We investigated the love-it-or-hate-it world of social networking and looked at how the next generation of top executives are using Facebook to create connections today.
我们调查了社会网络遭到的非爱即恨的待遇,并看到下一代的高层管理人员如何使用Facebook 建立联系。
We investigated the love-it-or-hate-it world of social networking and looked at how the next generation of top executives are using Facebook to create connections today.
我们调查了社会网络遭到的非爱即恨的待遇,并看到下一代的高层管理人员如何使用Facebook 建立联系。