"There was extensive work done on the business, the technology and the experience," said a member of the Courier team.
I want to let you know that I have been able to finalize all necessary arrangements with the Management of the Courier service here.
A man and a woman of unknown nationalities died when gunmen driving by opened fire on their car near the DHL courier office.
Workers stranded far from the office can work on their laptops and vital documents can be sent via E-mail instead of Courier.
But Flipkart soon overwhelmed the local wholesalers and Courier firms in Bangalore. To cope, it has now built five warehouses nationwide and hired an army of delivery staff.
To recognize this means shifting our view of the server from a document Courier (HTML Age), or a template renderer (LAMP Age), to a function and data shipper.
In the public service category, the Bristol, Virginia Herald Courier won for writing about the "murky mismanagement" of natural gas royalties owed to landowners, the board said.
"The Courier logo expresses the free-flow and formation of ideas," reads the description of the logo in the commemorative book.
Things began to change in the late 1820s as two New York papers, the Journal of Commerce and the Courier and Enquirer, began to compete for business readers.
19世纪20年代末,情况起了变化,两家纽约报纸,《商业日报》(the Journal of Commerce)与《询问快报》(the Courier and Enquirer)开始竞相争取商业读者。
On the other hand, Courier, with its modified version of Windows, could have been updated more frequently than the behemoth operating system itself.
It took a stake in another courier company, YTO Express, with the aim of improving its rural delivery service.
The Adapter ACTS like a Courier between your data source (perhaps an array of external strings) and the AdapterView, which displays it.
The story goes that in August of 1933, the Courier published an article stating that a man had witnessed what appeared to be a dragon ...
故事称,在1933年八月份,Courier 发文称一名男子目睹了一个类似龙的生物...
Workers stranded far from the office can work on their laptops and vital documents can be sent via email instead of Courier.
The magnetism configuration formed different characters of magnetic field and Courier interface.
The number of tickets sold for Courier travel is growing by about 10 percent every year.
The most popular newspaper in America at the time, according to Mitchell Stephens, author of "a History of news", was new York's Courier and Enquirer, which sold 4,500 copies a day.
据《新闻史》(“ AHistoryofNews ”,OxfordUniversity Press)的作者米切尔·斯蒂芬斯(MitchellStephens)称,当时在美国最流行的报纸是《纽约信使及问询报》,每天售出4500份。
Also the Courier may help them raise a crashed Boeing B-29 Superfortress from the bottom of Lake Mead, which they will restore and fly.
Couriers' is related with the number of orders they finish. For each order, a Courier receives a fixed payment of one yuan based on his tier.
The most popular newspaper in America at the time, according to Mitchell Stephens, author of “A History of News”, was New York’s Courier and Enquirer, which sold 4, 500 copies a day.
To bank cord stem cells, the cord blood is extracted minutes after the birth of the baby and rushed by Courier to be processed.
Chapter two: the analysis on the competition situation of Changsha post Courier service corporation.
Dieter Jung is such an avant-courier who USES such a technique, and creates the new visual and sense experience of spanning the time and space.
His shoes and also the design concept of according to his ways, and live the design quality and fashionable avant-courier, and has showily temperament.
Express risk is also a common risk in Taobao, due to the delivery of goods in the process, the Courier company may cause damage or loss of goods.
Express risk is also a common risk in Taobao, due to the delivery of goods in the process, the Courier company may cause damage or loss of goods.