The long-term health of the mortgage market is too important to be left to only two firms.
The two Leviathans have squeezed private firms into the riskiest ends of the mortgage market, such as subprime lending.
At the risky, subprime end of the mortgage market, there are already signs of distress: defaults and foreclosures have been soaring.
But the running interest in Fannie Mae's stock might seem surprising, considering that this company was the Titanic of the mortgage market.
In the United States subprime lending was a relatively small bit of the mortgage market-itself just apart of America's financial markets.
This is the reason that the foreclosure crisis is spreading from the subprime segment of the mortgage market to the Alt-A and prime segment.
The fate of the mortgage market has increasingly rested on the shoulders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as Ginnie Mae, their wholly government-owned counterpart.
Bond insurers, who used to cover roughly half of the market, have retrenched or gone bust after making bad mortgage bets.
Brokers said the emergence of such a large lender was welcome at a time when the mortgage market had suffered a significant contraction of supply.
The shares of investment Banks, pummelled by the mortgage mess and a drought in the buy-out market, posted their biggest daily gains in over a year.
With U.S. housing still in a mess, the central bank will be far more worried about the impact of rising Treasury yields on the mortgage market.
As the market prices of mortgage securities have fallen, banks have had to mark down their holdings, taking “unrealised” losses that erode their capital position.
随着按揭证券市价的下跌,银行需要减记它们的持有量,接受“未实现”的损失。 这些“未实现”的损失将腐蚀它们的资本。
It was several months after the subprime mortgage market turned sour before the scale of the losses at two Bear Stearns hedge funds became clear.
But they did not predict the collapse of the US mortgage market.
Most of the damage so far is in the "subprime" mortgage market, which lends to people whose income is too low, or whose credit history too patchy, to qualify for an ordinary mortgage.
They could borrow at an interest rate only a bit over the Treasury rate and then accumulate large portfolios of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities earning the market rate.
The number of hedge funds focusing on mortgage debt ballooned along with the underlying market in 2005-06.
In effect, Mr Paulson engineered the equivalent of a half-point cut in interest rates targeted at the mortgage market.
Those Numbers are big enough that foreign flight from the mortgage-backed market, if not countered by eager buying of other types of American assets, could cause trouble for the dollar.
More bad news came from America's housing market, amid fresh concerns about the availability of mortgage finance.
But Madoff's scheme has a host of culpable look-alikes and one has only to begin with the mortgage market to understand the similarities.
Dubious mortgages are now a growing share of the mortgage-backed market, so there is scope for more trouble.
Today's vote delivers a victory to Obama, who proposed the regulatory overhaul last year in response to the 2008 financial crisis sparked by the collapse of the U.S. mortgage market.
Strong labor demand, positive wage growth and declining mortgage rates are positive trends supportive of the residential property market going forward.
Strong labor demand, positive wage growth and declining mortgage rates are positive trends supportive of the residential property market going forward.