He took off his sweater, rolled it into a pillow, and lay down on the grass.
Summer is a time to relax, regroup and catch up on all those things you've been putting off all year.
Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off.
Having got off somewhere in suburbia, the artist walked backwards and forwards over a piece of grass until the squashed turf formed a line – a kind of drawing on the land.
Having got off somewhere in suburbia, the artist walked backwards and forwards over a piece of grass until the squashed turf formed a line-a kind of drawing on the land.
I'll just finish off with a few thoughts on questions and interruptions from the audience.
For an increasing number of kids, the extra time and money spent pursuing a college diploma will leave them worse off than they were before they set foot on campus.
On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of children's apps for phones and tablets gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off their games.
I sat down on the floor and pulled a few books off the shelf at random.
Strap on your dancing shoes and dust off your hula hoop—workouts with a theme will be more popular than ever in 2010.
When Noah and his family stepped off the ark, they spoke a single language that was passed on to their offspring.
When I go on a diet, I eat only fruit, and that takes off weight quickly.
Hans stood looking on for a while, and at last said, "You must be well off, master grinder!"
Suspended on their stilts, the actors remove their masks and reveal their off-white faces, staring terrified at a sunless sky, dark clouds congregating.
Supplies began running low and early this week, five set off on foot across snow fields; on Friday, after four days of trudging, they reached a working military radio center.
Some scientists have a hunch that a pregnant woman's diet and her exposure to various chemicals turn on some fetal genes and turn off others.
We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present.
On a visit to an insect farm, she greedily peels the wings and legs off a freeze-dried locust and crunches down with gusto.
Water enters a lake from inflowing rivers, from underwater seeps and springs, from overland flow off the surrounding land, and from rain falling directly on the lake surface.
On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off sleeping than making last-minute preparations for a test.
Sometimes he wakes up excited to work, and on other days you couldn't pry him off the couch with a forklift.
Dominic, the show-off of the group, picked up one measly pear, put it on top of his snout, and performed a balancing act as we made our way back to the cave.
The one-way interaction between TV and the couch potato is far different than an absorbing Scrabble play-off with a friend on a mobile phone.
Don't take action on an idea for a week and see if it still seems like a great idea after the initial buzz wears off.
I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years.
Because it's such a pity if you start off on a bright tone on a story and suddenly realize you are talking about some people having been killed in a road crash.
Participation in a deadly car race gives you the right to cut off your rival, ram his car, hit it in the rear and do anything that is not allowed on the road.
The tour is a round-trip of the town and there are a total of 4 stops where passengers can get on and off the bus.
The horse starts out in a straight line and then it hops off on a diagonal.
It's such a pity if you start off on a bright tone on a story and suddenly realize you are talking about some people having been killed in a road crash.