The enemy was determined to wipe the town off the map as if it had never been.
The enemy were determined to wipe the town off the map as if it had never been.
It is a delightful little village, but few people know of it, as it's off the map.
Other towns and villages have been badly hit but Beichuan has been wiped off the map.
What brought me to the woods was an impulse to get lost, to almost literally be off the map.
Tweaked scrolling on the Residential map so that the westernmost corner of the squatter house is not off the map.
The drill takes place against the backdrop of Iran's nuclear program and its threats to wipe Israel "off the map."
It became impossible to sail off the map, there was nowhere left to misplace Paradise and the imagination had less to do.
And I bet that's why he's been disappearing off the map - come to think of it, I've never seen the Room of Requirement on there!
Members of parliament, even those from Mr Sarkozy's party, have been fiercely critical of Ms Dati's plans too, accusing her of striking courts off the map without consultation.
For years, people have warned that the smallest nations on the planet - island states that barely rise out of the ocean - face being wiped off the map by rising sea levels.
I was traveling alone through the UK. To reach places that were off the public transportation map, I bought an old car, which cost most of my money.
Hanging in his office in Berkeley is a 17th-century Dutch map on which California appears as an island off the west coast of America.
So setup your goals, map out the necessary steps and start knocking them off one at a time.
Researcher Niel Bruce of the Museum of Tropical Queensland studies Marine specimens in a lighted aquarium off Australia's Lizard Island (see map) in an undated picture.
Taking time to read the map instead of blindly heading off in what you guess might be the right direction makes sense.
The next day, after purchasing a more detailed map, I set off again and made good progress on a sugary diet of Coca Cola and Snickers bars.
LOOK closely at a time-zone map of the western hemisphere. You will see a small area carved out of the Atlantic zone off the east coast of Canada.
A few minutes later, with my newly acquired map book now in his hands, we drove off in the direction of new Jersey.
As you can see to the right, a new unconnected screen got created and appeared in the middle of your Map viewport (it only looks like the right in our screenshot because we cut it off).
I confiscated my map and also headed off, only to find at the next stop that my lighter had gone missing.
When working with MapReduce, the map function's job is to pick some value to work off of, along with some key.
当使用MapReduce 进行处理时,map函数的任务是选择一些要处理的值,以及一些键。
Moonlight glints off coastal waters along the France-Italy border (map) in a picture snapped by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station in late April.
The Worlds largest turkey sits just off Route 10, Frazee, MN (Map), also known as the turkey capital of the world.
The Worlds largest turkey sits just off Route 10, Frazee, MN (Map), also known as the turkey capital of the world.