Members of the tribe were also known for their prowess as warriors, offering protection to smaller tribes (such as the Niantic, Wampanoag and Manisseans) who in turn paid tribute to them.
Once lauded as a way of offering protection against the risk of companies defaulting, CDSs instead magnified uncertainty as buyers wondered whether sellers could really afford to pay up if called on.
The Europeans are taking more risk but that does not mean that they are offering lots of protection to other buyers.
After all, who in his right mind would seek a lousy old patent offering a mere 20 years of protection when copyright can provide monopoly rights for up to 70 years after the author's death?
Only by offering credible protection could the Americans undermine the militias.
The warranty protection varies, so review the policies on your existing CARDS before you make a purchase — then use the one offering the best warranty protection.
The Wall Street Journal launched a drop box of its own in May, but was criticised for not offering enough protection to leakers.
After achieving the rank of King of Pop, Michael began to realize the danger the Illuminati presented to mankind and approached the CIA offering to spill the secrets in exchange for protection.
If they want, they can waive copyright protection as many have done by offering free downloads of music.
Parents who set high standards are offering the best protection against high-risk behaviors.
The energies invoked during the Homa continue to provide protection and support to the participants, offering Divine assistance on his or her journey of awakening.
However, applications such as USB Port Locked promise to do exactly what the name suggests, offering that extra protection you need.
The aim is to offering consults and drawing lessens from the results for the protection, publicity, exhibition, and making use of the histry relic in famous histry culture city .
Wear-proof, bi-component exterior finish offering ultra-high anti-scratch protection.
Republic tugs towed the med center to the fringes of the Kaliida Nebula, offering it some protection from surprise enemy incursions by virtue of the nearby navigation obstruction.
The genuine black leather is sturdy, offering the best protection for your Kindle; and the soft charcoal interior protects the screen from scratches.
Find out the main pollutant of water body in section of Nanchong, analyze the reason formed, supply scientific basis of offering, for jailing river of Nanchong sections of water resources protection.
Universal type synthetic oil, which covers the maximum current quality for the latest generation petrol and diesel engines, offering superior protection to that of any mineral lubricant.
At present, there are some difficulties of reporting, investigating and collecting proof, offering testimony, treating and affecting in the working of environmental protection report.
Junior BanZ feature a UV400 Polarized polycarbonate lenses and sturdy frames, while offering new shapes and temples for the protection and style older kids want.
The business scope includes the offering of relevant environmental protection wrappings ;
Convertible bonds Convertible bonds can be viewed as offering investors the best of both worlds - access to the upside potential of equities, but with a similar level of downside protection to bonds.
Convertible bonds Convertible bonds can be viewed as offering investors the best of both worlds - access to the upside potential of equities, but with a similar level of downside protection to bonds.