Madeleine Stretch started her career as an office junior. But she didn't make tea and open letters for long.
I was in my office and one of the junior executives came in and he told me he admired me and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius.
That "the office organization, the life plans and interests of the younger generation of architects are different," as Behnisch junior believes, will remain an assertion for the time being.
I was in my office and one of the junior executives came in and told me he admired me and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative genius.
With regard to your application for the post of junior clerk, will you please attend at this office at 10 a. m. on Thursday.
Recently we found a bit difficulty in recruiting junior grade staff. In our Shen Zhen office, we set a quite low standard in hiring junior staff;
近来我们不太容易招聘初级的员工。在深圳办公室, 我们把招募的要求降得很低;
At the beginning of this period, under the support of the global fund, plain AIDS project office, in a timely manner for the junior middle school students in our school for free a batch of the text.
At the beginning of this period, under the support of the global fund, plain AIDS project office, in a timely manner for the junior middle school students in our school for free a batch of the text.