Although the official exchange rate is set around 7 kyats to one USD, the street rate can go as high as 1000 kyats.
The official exchange rate was devalued last week from 250 to 30,000 Zimbabwean dollars to the American one.
It also managed to narrow the gap between the official exchange rate and the price of the dollar in the free market.
The answer, according to its central bank, is 250 Zimbabwe dollars (Z$), the official exchange rate since last August.
The combined size of the economies of all the AU's countries is still on a par with the Netherlands' at an official exchange rate.
According to its data, the true value of the yuan in real purchasing-power terms is almost exactly double its official exchange rate.
This, however, may push others towards the black market or offshore, further undermining the credibility of the official exchange rate.
Whatever the official exchange rate at a changeover, the new currency would quickly find a market level against the euro and other currencies.
Although the official exchange rate is set around 7 kyats to one USD, the street rate can go as high as 1000 kyats (900 kyats as of Feb, 2005).
In the floating exchange rate, the gold parity has lost practical significance, the official exchange rate also only plays a reference function.
Venezuela devalued the bolivar for the second time in a year, abolishing a preferential rate of 2.6 bolivares to the dollar and unifying the official exchange rate at 4.3.
"We too have serious concerns about China's exchange rate policy," the official said, adding that China should "resume" appreciation on the back of the economic rebound.
"We too have serious concerns about China's exchange rate policy," the official said, adding that China should "resume" appreciation on the back of the economic rebound.