To offset the rise in temperature expected by the middle of the century if things carry on as they are, the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface would have to be cut by just 1.1%.
Suitable for firming mirror, decoration, self adhesive electrical channel. The foam material can offset the irregular surface of material.
Specially designed offset disc lifts quickly from sealing surface to minimize wear and reduce operating torque.
The rough milling region of the open blisk tunnel is determined by generating the ruled envelope surface of the blades offset surface, and the algorithm.
The finish cutter location data were computed using the equidistant offset surface method, and the machining row distances were acquired by the control of the residual height.
Based on this method, curvilinear polygons were offset on the surface.
Anodized aluminium plate Aluminium plate for offset printing with a specially prepared surface. SeeAnodizing.
The limit pressure angle is related to such factors as offset angle, mean spiral angle, pitch cone angle and mean pitch cone diameter, not to geometrical shape of the tooth surface.
Indirect printing Process where the printing surface is not in direct contact with the paper, e. G. Offset printing, pad printing, etc.
Media cache presence detection on HDD surface and User Data Offset detection have been added into utility.
This is a process widely used for printing small items of irregular shape or surface and made of various materials. It can be referred to as offset.
In terms of the feature of radius compensation for coordinate measurement, the natures of offset curve and surface are studied in the dissertation.
In this paper, a method to create offset surface by using NURBS lofted interpolation surface is introduced.
本文给出了等距曲面的一种NU RBS放样插值生成方法。
This method includes two steps: surface fitting based on fairing constraint and adding offset to form the threshold surface.
The performance of modified AKD sizing agent in surface sizing of offset paper was introduced.
介绍了改性烷基烯酮二聚体(AKD) 中性施胶剂在表面施胶中的使用效果。
DP2000is a copolymer emulsion for surface sizing which produced by polymerization used to size many different types of paper, including offset paper, writing paper and coated board.
Furthermore, equation of offset surface from the reconstruction would make easy planning for cutting tool path in NC machining of the radome.
When tempered glass suffers rapid cooling of a certain extent, the internal tensile stress and compressive stress on the surface can offset due to opposite stress direction.
On the basis of key rock strata theory, transferring rock beam structure and the law of the overlying strata displacement and the surface subsidence theory, we deduced offset error formula.
An offset surface method was proposed to calculate the discrete mandril's height, whose algorithm was very simple and without the convergence problem which is common to analytical algorithm.
Fitting process was used in the computation of statics of long and short wavelength in domains of common shot, common receiver, and common offset, and a near surface model was also established.
Static correction problem is resolved by adopted methods like sand dune curve, interactive refraction static correction, and offset-division surface-consistent residual static correction.
In a vertical seismic profile, offset is the horizontal distance between the source and the wellhead or the surface projection of the receiver in the case of a deviated well.
This paper presents a developed approach for computing the offset of free-form surface using an adaptive sampling algorithm.
The quadrilateral grid graph of closed surfaces was obtained through surface slicing, offset point picking up, ordering of point array, 1d interpolation, and data merging.
The device consists of a precision, low-offset linear Hall sensor circuit with a copper conduction path located near the surface of the die.
According to the geometrical data of a three-dimensional model, finish machining strategy with section plane method is adopted on the basis of the offset surface.
Our main products include offset printing ink, gravure printing ink, surface printing ink and customized ink.
Finally, a new layer on the surface of teeth model is generated after offset for the same displacement for the model after adjustment and repaired.
A triangular mesh surface zoning approach based on formability was given. Moreover a strategy to generate multi-stage spiral forming tool path for each surface area by offset was presented.