I've lifted the executive restrictions on offshore exploration.
In offshore exploration activities, 3d seismic data acquisition always lasts for half to one year.
It has taken advantage of this expertise in offshore exploration and production to win contracts to develop deep-water fields in countries like Angola and Nigeria.
Even China National Offshore Oil Corp, which primarily engages in exploration and drilling, had to build its own refinery to help the state satisfy the country's soaring petrol demand.
The oil catastrophe afflicting the Gulf of Mexico underscores just how dangerous offshore oil exploration can be.
Then the spill in the Gulf of Mexico fouled the waters: one of the bill's key elements is an expansion of domestic offshore oil exploration.
Moreover, as API's study suggests, it will take a decade or more of exploration and development to bring new offshore basins into production.
Delayed or shelved exploration projects from offshore West Africa to the Canadian oil sands could lead to a supply crimp in the next few years if and when demand comes roaring back.
"Offshore unit" means any fixed or floating offshore installation or structure engaged in gas or oil exploration, exploitation or production activities, or loading or unloading of oil.
In the course of offshore petroleum exploration and exploitation as well as oil transportation, effective measures must be taken to avoid occurrence of oil spill.
At present, offshore Brazil, Gulf of Mexico and offshore West Africa are the hot areas of deepwater exploration where 84% of deepwater drilling activities and 88% of reserves are concentrated.
Economic exploration is becoming more and more important in offshore petroleum exploration, in which it is a major aspect to determine lower economic limit resources for hydrocarbon prospects.
The present situation of China offshore petroliferous basins is that oil gas reconnaissance has been basically accomplished, but there exists large differences in exploration degree.
In recent years, the new domain exploration has made great progress, and the breakthrough of deep-water and lithological reservoirs has been made in offshore basins.
Good processing techniques and comprehensive interpretation are mainly used for gravity and magnetic data of offshore oil-gas exploration.
China Offshore oil Company (CNOOC) is an integrated and modern enterprise including such business areas as: exploration, exploitation, production and oil-gas utilization.
If you have a fluid process control requirement for oil and gas exploration, offshore platforms, refining, or pipeline.
The Per-Tertiary in South Yellow Sea Basin is one of the potential petroleum exploration domains in the offshore of China.
There are three procedures used in offshore seismic exploration: data gathering, signal processing and interpretation.
When offshore oil exploration and other offshore activities involve explosive operations, effective measures shall be taken to protect fishery resources.
The geophone often shifts in the offshore seismic exploration, so it should be re-located in interior data processing.
The distribution of natural marine hydrocarbon seepage has great significance for the early stage offshore petroleum exploration.
The offshore area of Beitang, which has a relatively low degree of exploration and a wide oil and gas prospect, lies in the north of Huanghua Sub-basin.
The offshore area of Beitang, which has a relatively low degree of exploration and a wide oil and gas prospect, lies in the north of Huanghua Sub-basin.