With your own aeroplane, you fly where and when you want to, often to and from airfields that are not served by airlines.
Teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils' mental health needs, and often cite a lack of training, expertise and support from the National Health Service.
Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and maintaining the habit of school to keeping a child occupied, and the latter is often all the teacher can do.
American visitors to Eastern Asia are often surprised and puzzled by how Asian cultures and customs differ from those in the United States.
Her mother was often ill, and so from the age of two her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares.
From the moment life began on the planet, the climate has swung drastically and often abruptly from one state to another.
Social scientists work with statistics derived from data, and the best way to present these statistics is often in graphic form.
Her mother was often ill, and so from the age of two, her father took her with him to work and taught her about stocks and shares.
Horses (and cattle) have to be shipped from one rodeo to the next, often in double-deck trailers.
One of the things that businesses and indeed Government organizations often fail to do is to really see what is happening from the consumer's perspective.
Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.
Moods should be distinguished from emotions which are usually more intense, related to specific circumstances, and often conscious.
In fact, shy students often choose the back row because it is far away from the teacher and they don't want to answer questions.
A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices.
Exposures to odors in natural environments often occur over far longer periods, and the resulting adaptations may differ qualitatively from short-term olfactory adaptation.
Even when employees are given paid time off, workplace norms and expectations that pressure them to overwork often prevent them from taking it.
Mobiles are often believed to be the cause of a number of things from poor eyesight and headaches to house fires.
Firstly, young people from villages usually want to live somewhere livelier and they often move to the towns and do not return.
It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveler to become educated about the areas—both in terms of geographical conditions and cultural characteristics, and often provides money for conservation and benefits the development of the local areas.
Concrete feedback early and often from the customer, from the team, and from real end users gives you more opportunity to steer your efforts.
Behavioural analyses show that doctors and other prescribers often give in to pressure from patients and prescribe antibiotics because they are afraid they will lose their patients.
Since wealth likes to be with wealth, the rich often seek out networks to help them with everything from vacations and parties to managing money and making business contacts.
This knowledge often results from applying tact, intelligence, experience, and judgment to the situation.
The field is closely related to data mining and often USES techniques from statistics, probability theory, pattern recognition, and a host of other areas.
To stand, you have to tense your leg muscles, and engage the muscles of your back and shoulders; while standing, you often shift from leg to leg.
Both systems, however, often require customization and their functions could overlap from one company to the next.
When I have bad days, it often helps to get some alone time and stop running from the uncertainty.
Modern historians and archeologists often turn to etymologists for assistance and occasionally get some advice from them, but in principle, it is word historians who need help.
To resolve the conflict between data and theory, a scientist often has to think outside the box and approach the problem from different angles.
To resolve the conflict between data and theory, a scientist often has to think outside the box and approach the problem from different angles.