Last year, despite the buoyant oil price, the gas and power division brought in more revenue than exploration and production.
Addax's oil and gas exploration and production activities are focused on west Africa and the Middle East.
When the price of oil is low, exploration and production is expensive, but companies can rely on retail assets such as gas stations to benefit from the high profit margins at the pump.
The project involves the exploration, development, production, marketing, and sales of natural gas, oil and associated condensate from the contract areas.
Oil and gas properties include the mineral interests in properties, Wells and related facilities arising from oil and gas exploration and production activities.
These industries primarily include oil and gas exploration, production, transportation, and refining as well as chemicals and power generation.
Determining breakdown pressure in an anisotropic formation is important in oil and gas exploration and production.
Reservoir is the main study object of oil and gas exploration and production, and that the valuation of reservoir is the most important content of reservoir description.
These amendments exempted oil and gas exploration, production, processing or treatment operations, and transmission facilities.
Petroleum geology is the application of geology (the study of rocks) to the exploration for and production of oil and gas.
The company's main business is oil and gas exploration and development, oil and petrochemical products production and sales.
Carbonates of the buried hill type have become the important targets of oil and gas exploration and production in Shengli petroliferous province.
In oil and gas exploration, it is the most important working procedure to choose the layer location before production testing.
Halliburton Company provides various products and services to the energy industry for the exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas worldwide.
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation engages in the exploration and production of oil and gas properties primarily in the United States, the deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico, and Algeria.
Exploration and production of oil and gas is critical for India's energy security and economic growth.
Companies like Baker Hughes, which provide services to support exploration and production of oil and natural gas, have faced financial difficulties because of the low price of crude oil.
To collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources, and related technologies for the public benefit;
Crude oil to gas is related to the natural gas production and oil consumption, thus the objective evaluation is of great importance to hydrocarbon exploration.
During exploration and production, the discovery of oil and gas reserves can be considered to be the result of 2d seismic work, 3d seismic work, and well exploration.
China Offshore oil Company (CNOOC) is an integrated and modern enterprise including such business areas as: exploration, exploitation, production and oil-gas utilization.
This conference will explore the potential effects of oil and gas exploration and production activities on air quality in the Rocky Mountain region.
PSAC represents a diverse range of over 270 member companies, employing more than 62,000 people and contracting almost exclusively to oil and gas exploration and production companies.
PSAC represents a diverse range of over 270 member companies, employing more than 62,000 people and contracting almost exclusively to oil and gas exploration and production companies.