Mantle fluids are closely linked with oil and gas resources.
Offshore structures are main tools to exploit oil and gas resources in oceans.
Drilling project is an important tache for the exploration of oil and gas resources.
A graphic database based on GIS for oil and gas resources assessment is introduced in this paper.
Rich oil and gas resources were discovered in shallow formation and also found in deep formation.
Dongying and Huimim depressions are rich in oil and gas resources and volcanic rocks are developed.
Both sides welcome Chinese businesses to participate in the exploitation of oil and gas resources in Brunei.
China's domestic energy supply-demand situation objectively requires importing overseas oil and gas resources.
There are abundant oil and gas resources in China East Sea, so this area has great amplitude development future.
With the thorough development of oil and gas resources exploration, higher drilling technology is requested in our country.
Tarim Basin is a new strategic area of oil and gas resources in China and also a key site of exploration and development for CNSPC.
The evaluation of Marine carbonate source rocks is very important to the assessment and exploration of oil and gas resources in China.
Dagang tidal area is a main part of Bohai Gulf basin where it lies with rich oil and gas resources and has good potential for exploration.
The geomicrobial processes are closely related to the formation, preservation, destruction, exploration and recovery of oil and gas resources.
Although the comparative lack of oil and gas resources, the consumption of oil and gas and petrochemical products in China is increasing rapidly.
Along with the development of oil and gas resources, the technology of stratum testing is more and more important in increasing the recovery ratio.
For there exist a lot of Mesozoic and Cenozoic depositional basins of different types, China's Mainland should be very rich in oil and gas resources.
Therefore, in order not to waste oil and gas resources, development and utilization of non-pipeline sulphur gas has also been mentioned in the motion.
With the world energy consumption rising, fractured shale reservoirs as an important unconventional oil and gas resources attract more and more attention.
Although the exploration level of oil and gas resources in the northern Songliao Basin was relative high, there were much undiscovered oil and gas resources.
FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) has become a very popular solution in exploitation activities of ocean oil and gas resources in the world.
Dongpu Depression is a typical salty sedimentary basin. The special sedimentary characteristics require a special method for evaluating oil and gas resources.
The exploration practice in the Bohai Bay Basin revealed that abundant oil and gas resources were closely related to CHGS in depression rich in organic matters.
This paper has mainly described the establishment of the oil and gas resources spatial distribution and quantitative evaluation system based on the grids and GIS.
So the Late Palaeozoic group in ne China has tremendous potential for oil and gas resources, and should be an important new area for deep hydrocarbon exploration.
At present, seeking to replace conventional oil and gas resources of the new energy (such as CBM) is present one of the most effective way to solve the energy crisis.
Therefore, a good exploration prospect is existed in Wuerxun and Beier and Huhehu depressions where are the favorable areas to find oil and gas resources in Hailaer basin.
It's one of the issues we must consider at present how to regulate the exploration of unconventional oil and gas resources and related transactions in a legal perspective.
It's one of the issues we must consider at present how to regulate the exploration of unconventional oil and gas resources and related transactions in a legal perspective.