His "Old Man River" from the musical "Showboat" dating from the 1920's has become the unofficial anthem for the city of Memphis and its people.
The wise old man told him to travel to the Li River—perhaps he could learn a little from the greatest artist in the world.
An old man began to collect rubbish along the river banks years ago.
Xiao Liuying is an old man living in a village near the Yangtze River.
When the old man learnt about his purpose, he handed the boy an empty bowl and said, "Go to the river miles away and fill it with water."
When the old man knew about this, he gave the boy an empty bowl and asked him to go to the river and fill the bowl with water.
When the old man paid his last visit to my father, the latter, himself bed-ridden, was at a river-side villa in Chinsurah.
A man has been charged with throwing his four-year-old daughter to her death from a bridge above a river in Melbourne, Australia.
A hoary old man upon a mow-white horse shall divert the River Periron, and above the stream he will measure out a mill with his white rod.
On one of our last car trips, near the end of my father's life as a man, we stopped by a river, and we took a walk to its Banks, where we sat in the shade of an old oak tree.
According to one 53-year-old man who says he is the leader of the group, logs are transported to the river and then ferried to a wood market in Ponianak, the capital of West Kalimantan province.
The old man lived in the small wooden house, in front of which there was a river.
The man who knew their number and their order, who remembered each boat and what the oarsman looked like was the old river warden of the fifth district.
Once there was an old man. He lived by a river. He went out to catch fish every morning.
On sunset, there is an old man who is smoking sitting on the river side. In his heart, Guiyang city is the paradise.
Near the Huanghe River there lived another old man, called a Aged wise Fellow. When he heard about this, he felt it very stupid, and decided to go and make the old Foolish man wiser.
A 52-year-old Slovenian man has successfully swum the Amazon River.
That young man has long been submerged in the years long river, leaving only a lonely old man in the face of the past.
Under scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river. From dawn to dusk he still got nothing in his hands. However, the old man was happy at ease.
Under scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river. From dawn to dusk he still got nothing in his hands. However, the old man was happy at ease.