As one of source of up-to-the-minute data, Internet can seek on-line database and other resources.
For example, you can split on the first space you find and store the discreet values in a database table, or you can apply specific formatting or tags to each line.
Therefore, from a database perspective, on-line transaction processing (OLTP) environments are ideal candidates for EFD data storage.
Since most of the workers employed on the project are day-laborers, the information on each worker's tag will be matched to the information in the database each evening as they line up to be paid.
First, create the SAMPLE database by executing the db2sampl command on the command line as shown in Listing 1.
The I/O write operation on the source database can be suspended from the CLP (Command Line Processor) using the db2 set write command.
源数据库上的I/O写操作可以在 CLP(Command Line Processor,命令行处理器)中使用db2setwrite 命令挂起。
For instructions on creating a key database and a complete list of command line options, refer to GSKCapiCmd User Guide.
If you are a database administrator (DBA) who's laying it all on the line for a tight SLA, you need to ensure you properly vet your HA topology and the choice of the HA solution you are using.
如果您是一位不遗余力追求严格 SLA的数据库管理员(Database Administrator,DBA),您需要确保正确地检查您正在使用的HA解决方案的 HA拓扑和选择。
Historically, these were defined by macros which built a Program Control Table (PCT), but are nowadays defined in TRANSACTION definitions within the resource definition on-line (RDO) database.
从历史上看,通过宏命令来定义事务id,这些宏命令创建程序控制表(Program Control Table,PCT),但是目前是在在线资源定义数据库(resourcedefinition on - line,RDO)内部的TRANSACTION定义中定义事务id。
Depending on your line of business, your logic might do many things as database changes come through the export, before you send or fetch data to or from the database via the import.
Database backups are typically well taken care of in the on-line design, but file backups should be considered to be just as important.
Line gets the user from the database based on the value and populates
author行根据session . user . id值从数据库获取user,并填充entry . author字段。
Add the server certificate to the new certificate database by calling (all on a single line).
If this is not the case, you could have alternately first cataloged your remote database using either the catalog command on the command line processor or using the DB2 Configuration Assistant.
如果情况不是如此,则需要在命令行处理器上使用编目命令或者使用DB 2ConfigurationAssistant首先编目远程数据库。
The access plan can be collected with the db2expln command line tool or by right-clicking on your database in the DB2 Control Center and choosing the option Explain SQL.
可以通过 db2expln命令行工具,或者在DB2ControlCenter 中右键单击数据库并选择 Explain SQL选项来收集访问计划。
To see the effect of updating the database table underlying the CategoryBean entity EJB, sign on to the database's command-line interface and enter the following SQL statement.
如要看对实体e JB Category Bean下的数据库表进行更新的效果,请登录到数据库的命令行界面,并输入以下sql语句。
symfony builds the model based on the schema, and the command-line utility can even be used to generate SQL scripts to create a database based on the schema definition.
symfony 将根据模式构建模型,并且甚至可以使用命令行实用程序生成SQL脚本以根据模式定义创建数据库。
Replace a bit depressed... database MD5 password little trouble, remember when he was with Dong Wanglun forgotten password to upload a file to change the password on the line!
有点郁闷…数据库替换MD 5密码有点费事,记得自己用动网论他的时候忘记密码上传一个文件改密码就行!
The web page is composed of ASP. NET2.0, and adds database phrasing therein to link database. Let users input data on line and result statistics.
Does your work consist of repetitive tasks, such as entering data into a database or working on an assembly line? Talk with your boss about training for a different task to combat boredom.
The server stores and sorts all data on database. Any department of railway administration can browse data anytime on the terminal by dialup or leased line to server.
Then comes the introduction of the relative theories on the embedded mobile database (EMDB) and power line patrolling flow and the defect disposal method in detail.
Three on line identify methods of predicting metal silicon be given in this paper. Database and all kinds of predicting models by computer on line be discussed.
On - line backup can be performed when the database is operated under the filing mode.
Establishing an on-line retrievable journal paper database of seismology, these journals are published in China.
Gear measurement virtual instrument based on machine vision that takes full advantage of computer in terms of database and network can realize quick and accurate on-line measurement.
An general item bank is designed for on-line examination. According to the demands of the canonical item bank design, a relational database model is designed.
By use of the provided configuration tools, any kinds of layout can be generated freely. Meanwhile, on line configuration and displaying can also be realized on the base of dynamic database readily.
Software used for the fan's on-line condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is developed, which realize the data management and graphical demonstration by combining database library technology.
Software used for the fan's on-line condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is developed, which realize the data management and graphical demonstration by combining database library technology.