On Monday, 19 trains were delayed for hours after a network failure on the Tengzhou to Zaozhuang rail line section due to stormy weather.
Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it, rather than the general taxpayer.
Rail travellers who try to avoid paying their fares could face on-the-spot fines.
Local pressure groups forced a referendum over whether to spend the money on light rail instead.
By the Nizamuddin rail tracks, a gaggle of children warm themselves on a chilly night by burning scraps of wood.
Newman believes one of the best studies on how cities built for cars might be converted to rail use is The Urban Village report, which used Melbourne as an example.
Every January the cost of travelling by train rises, imposing a significant extra burden on those who have no option but to use the rail network to get to work or otherwise.
I had sworn off cars, after all, not public transportation, which in Los Angeles proved to be a nimble system that welcomes bikes on the light rail trains and on all buses.
After this they came to a shore where there were no less than sixty-five great red parrots with blue tails, sitting on a rail all of a row, and all fast asleep.
Dockery is helping advise Scott on the state's rail plan and the discussions going on with international corporations eager to build and operate it.
They can also easily add and remove friends, or chat with them, on the left-side rail.
Ellen set the lantern down and the weary travelers attempted to get comfortable sitting on the rail.
China is the first and only country to have commercial high-speed train service on conventional rail lines that can reach a top operational speed of 350 km/h.
I caught lizards on the rail fences, rats in the corncrib, and frogs in the little creek that ran through the fields.
And every few years a new lot is laid down and run over; so that, if some have the pleasure of riding on a rail, others have the misfortune to be ridden upon.
Look over the rail on any pier, and the rust is inch-thick and flaking from its girders.
Safety cables are positioned on the sides as railings while the butt end of one handlebar is attached on a safety rail.
S. 's much more stringent planning process, and in part because of congressional hurdles, progress on high-speed rail here has been much slower.
Bucking occasionally on the rail, we began to cross a series of viaducts built a century before over the bends in the river.
A 1.0 release often is indicative of a product arriving, as a Ruby on Rail developer how can the team help me transition to Merb?
一个1.0版本的发布通常意味着产品的到来,作为一个Rubyon Rails的开发者,Merb开发团队会怎样帮助我转换到Merb呢?
Progress Rail decided on building locomotives in America in April 2010.
One hare, which Alstom has set running, concerns Interfleet, a consultant on high-speed rail projects.
According to fatigue damage accumulation theory, test load of verified fatigue test on rail across beam and welded connections with integral joint of combined steel truss bridge was gotten.
Helen Foster and George Clancy perch on a rail on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor on July 2, 1949.
Rail opportunities: As I am sure you are aware, these are very exciting times for those of us who work on rail projects.
Rail opportunities: As I am sure you ar aware, these are very exciting times for those of us who work on rail projects.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to talk to you this morning regarding some of the practical legal issues that we have come across on rail projects.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to talk to you this morning regarding some of the practical legal issues that we have come across on rail projects.