On a windy day, he measured how far he could jump with the wind at his back.
So on a windy day, the cheapest power comes from wind turbines.
Afterwards we hike through the woods. Kyla has her bear spray, which according to my book is a useful deterrent, though on a windy day 'may disable the user'.
You can walk through the city streets on a windy day and see umbrella handles sticking out of the tops of bins from when the wind catches them and ruins them.
ON a chill windy morning in the mountains of Burundi, six women in an "empowerment group" run by an Atlanta-based charity, CARE, sit down under a tree to talk about their day.
On the next windy day, they took the kite to a hill near their house and flew it.
Neck gaiter: Often worn by skiers, a neck gaiter can be extremely valuable on a frigid, windy day to protect your neck and face.
In spring, the magpie discards the old nest, instead of making a new one. They always put the nest on the high tree for stable, and it can not be destroyed in windy day, snowy day and rainy day.
On the first day, we went to Sydney Zoo where is locate in North shore of Sydney, the Second day morning was sand storm, a windy and dusty day, the sky was orange color which I was first time to see.
On a cold, windy day, you body loses more heat than it does on a cold, still day. Heat is literally blown away from your body, causing you to feel colder.
If it were windy in Spain but not in Ireland, current would flow in one direction. On a blustery day in the Emerald Isle it would flow in the other.
如果西班牙刮着风而爱尔兰 风平浪静,产生 的电能可以通过某一条输电线传输,在绿宝石岛多风时,则可以利用另一条输电线。
If it were windy in Spain but not in Ireland, current would flow in one direction. On a blustery day in the Emerald Isle it would flow in the other.
如果西班牙刮着风而爱尔兰 风平浪静,产生 的电能可以通过某一条输电线传输,在绿宝石岛多风时,则可以利用另一条输电线。