Every week they have to learn a different ballroom dance and perform it live on TV on Saturday night.
Since many Greeks live on or near the sea, water sports are popular and children learn to swim at an early age.
So we should learn to pile praises on those who deserve and help to create a light, pleasant atmosphere in which to live.
And while we can always learn and grow, most people seem to live on automatic pilot.
Learn and help others become self-sufficient: Work where you live, even if that means creating new, local, community-based enterprises, so you're not dependent on cars and oil.
Please let it be a prank. "Youngsters on the track are a regular event, though no less frightening for that, and for train drivers it's something we learn to live with."
To live is to learn: Even fruit flies can learn to avoid detrimental odors and also in humans, most abilities are based on what we learn through practice and experience.
If you love kids, this might be the perfect opportunity for you to live with a local family and learn local customs, while being able to travel on weekends.
If she married Cal, they would be forced to live in a shack on her aunt and uncle's ranch, where he worked, and Nora would have to learn to cook and clean and do for herself.
That we can experience how our ancestors to express their love and hope to be able to find some things to learn from and draw on the things we used to guide the work, live and learn.
She could come and live with him in the foreman's cabin on the Tremayne ranch and learn how to become a human being and stop looking down her nose at people she considered to be her inferiors.
Never stop communicating on the topic of change: Since change is a constant, managers and employees must learn not only to live with it, but also to embrace it.
That is, I don't think I can learn from a wild animal how to live in particular - shall I dine on raw meat, hold my tail high, walk with both feet and hands?
That is, I don't think I can learn from a wild animal how to live in particular - shall I dine on raw meat, hold my tail high, walk with both feet and hands?