Today the company informs me to go to Oklahoma to travel on official business, all died of exhaustion tiredly!
"I only am a foreigner at that time, occasionally travels on official business stays the hotel," An Xiaojun smiles called.
Short skirt clan detection: with the driver away on official business, they always have intention to not intentional of shift.
Fourth time, must prepare to travel on official business, forgot takes the document, gets the home, seizes deceitfully in the bed.
They put forward to the company "workplace is far", "often be away on official business" wait for a condition to be able to be accepted.
If must travel on official business, after cleaning up again leaves the gate, do not have to come back facing a room mosquito and the insect.
Wang Mou is away on official business the phone ever had been hit twice to give me after coming back, but because I am busy, so we did not meet.
Scientists, business people, and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening.
A South Korean laboratory that produced the world's first cloned dogs is looking to get into the business of cloning canines, first by cloning drug-sniffing dogs, a lab official said on Tuesday.
A South Korean laboratory that produced the world's first cloned dogs is looking to get into the business of cloning canines, first by cloning drug - sniffing dogs, a lab official said on Tuesday.
They traveled on vacation and official business, rode to work together, Shared lunch nearly every day at Washington's Mayflower hotel and sometimes even wore matching suits.
Peter Wissinger, Microsoft's director of Mobile Business in the Nordic countries, today released an official statement on Mango's status.
微软北欧移动业务主管——Peter Wissinger今天发布了关于此系统的官方声明。“现在是我们的合作制造商向客户发布芒果的时候了。”
The Times doesn't offer any timetable for the release, and Twitter has no official comment on the story. But for now, it gives us another Twitter business model to contemplate.
Hu Xueyan was a typical offical merchant easygoing between business and officialdom and relying on official power to seek private gain. He was regarded as a commercial genius once in 500 years.
A letter of invitation from the business on their official headed paper confirming who you will be visiting, staying with or supported by during your visit.
公司用单位抬头纸出具的邀请函,确认您将访问谁、由谁陪同或在您访问期间 由谁资助。
Trading that takes place before the official opening of business on the trading floor of an exchange.
So far the agency has visited more than71bureaux and departments to evaluate the progress made on the use of chinese in official business .
The Summer Palace in Beijing recently opened its official online store, "Royal Business oneet, " on e-commerce platform Taobao.
Dealing taking place after the official close of business on the trading floor of an investment exchange.
This is the first piece of official news I wrote in English and I had to published it before the manager reviewed it because she was on business in another place.
Some 15 minutes later, at 9:13, J. P. Morgan's official press release went out on the business wire and was blasted all over computer news feeds and on CNBC.
Tax official: at first, as the buyer, you should pay the contract tax on the base of business transaction at 3%.
This system is based on WEB model, so it can support different section office pattern and moving office pattern, and solved the problem of handling official business separately.
After he became an official by money, under the stress of the busy official business and economy, his original momentum of rapid development on academic and art had was held up.
After he became an official by money, under the stress of the busy official business and economy, his original momentum of rapid development on academic and art had was held up.