When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.
I'm a moonbeam monkey on spec.
I'm just curious of your opinion on spec and would love to read your advice.
At night, he wrote scripts on spec. He met Skip Press, another young writer who was a Scientologist.
I don't think anyone disagrees that delivering projects on-time, on budget, and on spec are important.
One such town, Kangbashi, in Inner Mongolia, has everything a city needs, including investors who have bought apartments on spec.
Though known for writing on spec and resisting the traditional development process, Mr. Morgan had been looking forward to working with Mr. Eastwood.
That is theoretically possible and the more people abuse Tamiflu, if they take half the dose they are supposed to, or take it on spec, that is more likely to lead to resistance.
This is useful on test or development environments that are installed on laptops or low-spec systems with 4 GB or less of RAM.
The most important feature on any phone is one rarely mentioned in a spec list: the operating system.
SPEC provides a generic user guide [1] on how to set up the SPECjAppServer2004 application.
SPEC提供了关于如何安装SPECjAppServer 2004应用程序的用户指南[1]。
Because we were dealing with a Word document, it was easy to interoperate on the spec, and then run RequisitePro on it once we were satisfied with it.
Spec lead Ken Saks has begun a blog and is providing further information on the items that the expert group are working on including support for common EJB component mapping.
On the other hand, using login credentials like this is not an abuse of the spec.
This is useful on test or development environments that are installed on laptops or low-spec systems with 4GB or less of RAM.
这对于安装在笔记本电脑或者具有少于4GB 内存的低规格系统中的测试与开发环境很有用。
If this is important to you, start composing your want list now so that you can check features on the 2.0 processors that will be available when the spec is finalized.
Namespaces represent one case in which some special pleading is necessary — you can "bolt them on" to YAML, but they are not part of the current spec.
I believe the spec leads of both JSRs are now working together to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion where 299 will build on top of 330.
The JBI spec does introduce another level of difficulty and the focus on XML doesn't always fit too well with the requirements you encounter in the integration space.
When that didn't generate too many objections, I started working on a much more detailed spec, which explained, down to the smallest detail, how everything looked to the user.
In my previous article on sequence diagrams, I shifted focus away from the UML 1.4 spec to OMG's Adopted 2.0 Draft Specification of UML (A.K.A. UML 2).
在我先前关于序列图的文章里,我把重点从UML 1.4版,转移到OMG的采用UML 2.0版草案规范(又称为UML 2)。
Account 2099621 is used for conversion differences on net profit in the equity specification, to allow the closing balance for net profit (in equity spec) 2099699 to be converted at closing rate.
This is early work for sure, and following convention, IE USES a vendor prefix (-ms) on the namespace because the spec is genuinely under active construction.
Progress on implementing the HTML5 spec was still very slow, until Google recognised the threat of a Microsoft or Adobe dominated web and stepped in by creating Gears.
Depending on your content, you should use a spec that will support the metadata you wish to distribute (such as enclosures for podcasts).
Listing 1 shows a concise view of the spec, focusing only on the GetResourceProperty port type and related elements.
Tuscany already supports these languages and we’re going to work on proposals for the spec workgroups.
These security measures are examples of technologies that Adobe built on top of RTMP, and they aren't part of the core spec that we're opening up.
With the OSGi spec where it is we couldn't make our deployment model as simple as we wanted for our users, so decided to build our own deployment model based on the principles of OSGi.
With the OSGi spec where it is we couldn't make our deployment model as simple as we wanted for our users, so decided to build our own deployment model based on the principles of OSGi.