The extinction of myriad biological species aroused deep concern which led people to an understanding of the special importance of protecting rare animals and plants on the brink of extinction.
Some wild animals are on the brink of extinction, for example, panda and tiger.
Taking place in the not-too-distant future, mankind is on the brink of extinction.
These journeys made him fully aware that many of the world's species were on the brink of extinction.
Its oddity and complexity makes its communicating functions weaken and is thus on the brink of extinction.
Considering all the causes, it must be to take some relevant measures to save those spices on the brink of extinction.
These journeys made him realize to the fullest extent that many of the world's species were on the brink of extinction.
He doubts that iPS cells will save many threatened species, particularly those already on the brink of extinction like the northern white rhinoceros.
Native Australian Charlie Mungulda is the only person alive known to speak that language, one of thousands around the world on the brink of extinction.
因为澳大利亚土著居民查理•穆尼古尔答是世界上唯一会说这种语言的人。 包括Amurdag语在内的全世界几千种语言正濒临消失。
While the number of spoken languages continues to decline, at least one new one has been added to the inventory, though Koro too is on the brink of extinction.
Envision a new Earth that has clean air, pure water, animals that are not on the brink of extinction, and other areas that you would like to see an improvement.
There are still new species being discovered: plants, birds, chameleons, lemurs, tortoises that we might not yet know about, that could be on the brink of extinction.
The study of languages on the brink of extinction is an important subject in the study of linguistics, and it is becoming increasingly the focus of attention in society.
However, a recent study by researchers at Saint Louis University has shown that robot dogs are as good as real ones in alleviating the suffering of old people on the brink of extinction.
Australian scientists fear the planet is on the brink of another mass extinction as ocean dead zones continue to grow in size and number.
On a night for the Knicks franchise center to forget, the Bulls put the Knicks on the brink of playoff extinction.
Thousands of plant species are being pushed to the brink of extinction by global warming, and those already at the extremes are in the greatest danger, a leading botanist said on Tuesday.
Thousands of plant species are being pushed to the brink of extinction by global warming, and those already at the extremes are in the greatest danger, a leading botanist said on Tuesday.