In the study of his dark house on the edge of Time, Death looked at the wooden box.
The idea that loneliness spreads like a contagion was based on the observation that, over time, scores of loneliness seemed to spread to the edge of a network.
When the rich world is teetering on the edge of its worst recession since the 1930s, this is no time to insist on balanced budgets.
While this might make your website look cutting edge, it can also have a negative impact on page loading times, especially if a lot of people are viewing the site at the same time.
So the point on the edge must rotate much faster to cover that 50 in. in 1.8 seconds than the point near the center, which has to cover less than a fifth of the distance in the same time.
Only the Senate at this time can proclaim anybody a king, so the Senate would sometimes would have client kings on the different--the edge of frontiers of their control.
Detroit is on the far western edge of the eastern time zone; winter days are short.
Once upon a time, there is a Health and leprosy patient, the disease nearly 40 years, has been lying on the roadside, he said, referring to such people to have the magic of the pool edge.
At the same time Charles I issued his own commissions of array assigning his followers to organise their own armed forces in the counties. The country was on the edge of civil war.
When need long time stop outdoor conditions, the vehicle should avoid direct exposure in the sun, to prevent the door seals, skylight on the edge of the deformation and cracking due to heat.
Level dropout: This detects an edge followed by a specified time with no edges. It is useful for triggering on the end of a pulse train.
Of flat glass products for the grinding. Glass straight double-edge of the Cumo, Jingmo Chamfer on both sides of the Cumo and one-time processing can be completed.
Can swipe the spheroid clean on the sharp valve seat edge at the time of each operation.
After lying there for some time, he peeked over the edge of the quilt at the bowl on the table.
Once upon a time, there is a Health and leprosy patients, the disease nearly 40 years, has beenlying on the roadside, he said, referring to such people to have the magic of the pool edge.
At that time in order to make up for the defects of the mouth, craftsmen and the door was designed on the edge of a ring of gold, silver or copper.
Time goes fast for one who has a sense of beauty, when there are pretty children in a pool and a young Diana on the edge, to receive with wonder anything you can catch!
Time goes fast for one who has a sense of beauty, when there are pretty children in a pond and a young Diana on the edge to receive with wonder anything you can catch.
Henan is the construction of some of the Longhai railway to time, to repair the railway line here, they put an edge on the railway line.
Intermediate driving way is put forward for the first time and can solve influence of deflection and edge effect come from rail beam on mechanical and electric performance.
As lower Yangtze is the continental edge-extending area controlled by asthenolith through a long time of the research on geology of the depth, lower Yangtze area has general background of earthquake.
A study was made on the effect of the lay-by time of sawed MDF furniture components on their edge banding quality.
But the fox immediately jumped on the goat's back and up to the edge of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the fox. "Remember next time don't trust the advice of a man in difficulties."
They were closing on the edge of the cultivation area now, and it was time for Kami to go it alone.
They were closing on the edge of the cultivation area now, and it was time for Kami to go it alone.