At best, however, this will have a marginal effect on the long march of Chinese history.
Lett's carry on the long march spirit, study hard, work hard, to meet the new long march.
In contrast, the ring on the Long March 9 will be made through a casting method that produces it in one piece.
Remember, this is your journey on the Long March, the two most difficult, slowest, most can not afford, the lightest lightest footprints!
But when you have to face, your burning desire still boiling? The long march spirit, not only on the long march, spirit to continue, the character to continue.
The space probe Tianwen 1 based off at 12:41 p.m. on July 23, 2020, carrying a Long March 5 carrier rocket.
“OUR long national Obamacare nightmare is just beginning,” clanged the Heritage Foundation's daily alert, the “Morning Bell”, on March 29th.
These largely conservative or moderate Members dissolved the Long Parliament on 16 March 1660 and called for new elections for an assembly to decide the fate of the nation.
On 23 March 1839, OK was introduced to the world on the second page of the Boston Morning Post, in the midst of a long paragraph, as "o.k. (all correct)".
1839年3月23日,OK在《波士顿早报》(Boston MorningPost)第二版的一段长话的中间,以“o . k. (all correct)”的面目向世人见面。
Despite the four-day strike due to start on March 27th, the airline expects over 70% of long-haul flights from Heathrow and all flights from Gatwick to get away.
Charity is the long march, again painstakingly also want to go, I'd been going on the way of charity.
Long March 5 is one sweet powerhouse. Congrats to all the Chinese engineers who worked on this. Great job!
He first propagandizes the Long March to the world, and has carried on the comprehensive summary to the Long March.
With regards to the history between 1931 and 1937, Chinese historians used to focus more on domestic issues, such as Soviet areas, encirclement campaigns and the Long March, Li said.
李宗远表示,关于1931 - 1937年期间的历史,我国历史学家们先前更多地关注苏区、反“围剿”、长征等国内问题。
The Red Ribbon Of The Earth, written by Wei Wei, is a romantic masterpiece based on the world-famous Long March.
China plans to launch its new generation Long March-7 carrier rocket sometime from Saturday to Wednesday from a new launch ground in South China, said the manned space engineering office on Wednesday.
Their trip was both hard and legendary. Their action moved lots of people on the way. Their trip was titled "The Long March of Filial Piety".
In the long march on the road, not only have bullets and rapids rapids, snow mountain grass, more hunger, cold, disease, etc.
The ancients would be long or have been on the Chung Yeung and Cold Food, September 9 and March three counterparts as a large section of the Spring and Autumn.
China paper supplement has passed through a long march since the NewsPaper was issued on the first formal supplement------North China Daily News.
The Shenzhou III spacecraft and its Long March carrier rocket are undergoing final preparations on the pad at the Jiuquan Launch Centre in Gansu Province.
On 9th August 1992 at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Long March 2C launch vehicle successfully launched the 13th recoverable satellite.
Wonderful Friends, a 3-month-long reality show on Hunan TV, came to an end on March 28th. But the debate it aroused is far from dying out.
The first of March in 2007, on Chinese calendar, is my old man's sixty birthday. We threw a party for it, and invited many good friends to wish him a long and happy life.
'This place is very poor,' she says. It's one of the ten most common statements we hear on the New Long March, but we still haven't got used to it. We have no idea how to reply.
Long march on the way, our predecessors stepping huaxia the solid ground beneath your feet, hands holding high the flag of rejuvenation, and rise the motherland flying dream in my heart.
Out indiana Jones, a general on the victory after smile. 80 years ago, our ancestors with their blood and lives wrote "simply, make the gods cry" the song of the long march.
Out indiana Jones, a general on the victory after smile. 80 years ago, our ancestors with their blood and lives wrote "simply, make the gods cry" the song of the long march.