Only those silver coins which were much worn by usage or in any other way defaced or reduced in weight remained in current use; it did not pay to export and to sell them on the bullion market.
And here the teamster, on his way to Portland market, would put up for the night; and, if a bachelor, might sit an hour beyond the usual bedtime, and steal a kiss from the mountain maid at parting.
Excuses, though, those are different. On my way to the farmer’s market last week, by chance I met up with a coworker who had earlier said that she’d never been to a farmer’s market.
They were saddled with "take or pay" contracts that obliged them to buy fixed quantities of gas far above what they could sell and at prices way above those on the spot market.
One good way to snag the great people who are never on the job market is to get them before they even realize there is a job market: when they're in college.
Ofgem says the amount sold in this way remains pitifully low. The regulator is considering forcing companies to trade at least 25% of their power on the longer-term market.
On the way, she stopped at a market to buy a hunk of cheese, some Stoned Wheat Thins, and a bottle of Valpolicella.
Yet supply-chain audits are far from rigorous because the minerals change hands so many times on the way to the market.
B: By the way, Mrs. Wang, we have a mind to do joint participa- tion with you on Japanese arts and crafts in our market.
王小姐,顺便提一句,我们有意与你方合作,在我国市场上合资 经营日本工艺品。
Chelsea are expected to be in the summer market for a right-back with Jose Bosingwa believed to be on his way out of the club.
I told her that I was going out to pick up some more juice and soup for the children, and I would drop by the church on my way to the market.
It took Microsoft Corp and Yahoo Inc several years to find common ground on the best way to team up in the Internet search market.
Such assurances calmed the foreign-exchange market, as did a statement from a future member of the Fed’s monetary committee that the bank still had some way to go before easing off on interest rates.
他的声明安抚了外汇市场,使外汇市场稳定下来。 而根据美联储的准成员的声明,松弛利率还需要一段时间。
On our way back to her car and my bike, she told me with a laugh that the farmer's market wasn't as scary as she thought.
On our way back to her car and my bike, she told me with a laugh that the farmer's market wasn't as scary as she thought. Aha!
Based on these judgements, the richest Hu Xueyan set out to manipulate the market in the way of high profile.
On his way to market Jack met a man who wanted to buy the cow. He offered Jack five beans for the cow.
FROM the market town of Khanaqin, on the Iranian border, all the way to Sinjar, near the border with Syria, a fortified line snakes across northern Iraq.
The only real way to get gaming on Linux is if commercial game companies embrace Linux as a valid market.
With the deadline to take advantage of the housing tax credit looming and with better weather on the way, potential buyers kept indoors by February snow may rush into the market.
Twitter gives you a great way to find out the up to the minute news on the market as well as most company stocks.
Way back before anyone had coined the phrase "market segment", entrepreneurs had been doing business with their customers on a one-to-one basis.
One day he saw a fisherman on his way to the market to sell a carp he had caught.
On the property market is usually the most effective way to cool down, one to tighten the bank mortgage, and the other is control of land supply.
When the market becomes fully valued on its way to being overvalued, value investors again fare poorly because they sell too soon.
Since it's a Wednesday, the farmer's market is in full swing on my way to work.
Since it's a Wednesday, the farmer's market is in full swing on my way to work.