The one light reflects out of the darkness in one hundred pairs of eyes, all of them focused on me, waiting.
In the final graduation one must always face their cumulative fear, face their darkness, and turn it into light through will.
Turnes off a light for one hour, in the beautiful darkness instantaneous demonstrated that they to conserve energy reduce the row, to deal with the global climate change silent support.
There isn't enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light from one small candle.
In darkness the One appears as uniform; in the light the One appears as manifold.
Whether there is freedom and love or not, in death, every one equal, hope that death is not your end, you adored the light, so you will never fear the darkness.
The Mayan Calendar time-science clearly shows that in any one time cycle of 1144 years, there are 13 Lords of Light (or heavens) and 9 Lords of Darkness (or hells).
Science is a flickering light in our darkness, but it is the only one we have and woe to him who would put it out.
The holographic gratings recorded on the film can be kept for over one year in darkness at room temperature, which can be erased by UV light. The sample can be written, read and erased in many times.
The holographic gratings recorded on the film can be kept for over one year in darkness at room temperature, which can be erased by UV light. The sample can be written, read and erased in many times.