That can ensure the one to one mapping relationship between the feature set and the image, and avoid the counterfeit attack.
From these modeling aspects, identification of business services is an important activity, which is one-to-one mapping to an it service realization.
Namespace prefixes are basically meaningless to anyone except the author of the original document and relying on a constant one-to-one mapping of namespace prefixes to URIs is unwise at best.
This mapping can be to one or more individual users by name, to one or more defined groups of users, or any combination of these.
The mapping between the original message and the service request is a simple one-to-one operation with a subset of the input data being involved.
You might have noticed that I don't use a one-to-one mapping between the pixels in the image and the cells in the CA.
Another type of mapping is when a table might have a one-to-one relationship but your object model only has one object.
Migrations from Oracle to the DB2 9.5 LUW in compatibility mode allow one-to-one mapping of source database syntax to target database syntax.
以兼容性模式从Oracle迁移到DB 2 9.5LUW,这允许从源数据库语法到目标数据库语法进行一对一映射。
The remote drivers ran corresponding instances of netperf to provide stream traffic in a one-to-one mapping of remote netperf instances to SUT netserver instances.
远程驱动程序运行对应的netperf实例,从而按照远程 netperf 实例到SUTnetserver 实例的一对一映射提供流通信。
For English and the vast majority of European languages, the one-key (or two) to one-character mapping is sufficient.
Fortunately, this process is easy to automate if you establish a one-to-one mapping between UML constructs and XML schema statements.
A one-to-one mapping is not available between native data types and XSD data types.
There can be, but there is not necessarily, a one-to-one mapping of parameter markers in the SQL statement to declared parameters in the annotated method.
This example clearly demonstrates that the one-to-one mapping between a JSF request URL and view template is not imperative.
Therefore, you may find more than one valid mapping between UML and XML. You have to tell the stylesheet which one to adopt.
Because native data types and XSD data types do not share a one-to-one mapping, information or precision can be lost during the translation.
The mapping is basically one-to-one; except it is necessary to use intermediaries for quantification and alternation of nested tags (intermediary names are marked by a leading underscore).
Prior to WebSphere Application Server V6.x, a one-to-one mapping existed between the number of concurrent client connections and the threads in the Web container thread pool.
在WebSphereApplicationServerV6.x 之前,在并发客户端连接数和Web容器线程池中的线程数之间存在一对一的映射。
Personas are segmented along ranges of usage behavior, not demographics or buying behavior, so there is seldom a one-to-one mapping of market segments to personas.
Orthogonality of system architecture can be reduced by performing one-to-one functional mapping.
But this wasn't good enough. That approach still needed a one-to-one mapping of people to workstations. This really didn't save us any money.
But this wasn't good enough. That approach still needed a one-to-one mapping of people to workstations. This really didn't save us any money.