No one would dream of straightening out the church's knobbly spire.
No one would refuse to make friends with a man with a good sense of humour.
Ask businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, why have two lots of tests where one would do?
Not every device would have a photo of course, so getting one would be like winning a raffle.
Answers to this question would be many and diverse, yet almost no one would reply, "Music means nothing to me."
One would be characteristic of agriculturalists: it would be an offering of the very first barley that would be harvested in the spring by them.
Considering that labor costs are responsible for up to 80% of a daycare center's expenses, one would expect flat wages to have meant flat prices.
It might then make sense that, as one would welcome a recommended plumber, regulators might be more willing to trust companies with stronger reputations.
As far as I'm concerned, outlook really matters because if a person looks untidy, no one would like to make friends with him, let alone to know about him.
Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center, an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains, one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze.
When Frank saw poster, he not so nicely told Jack that no one would come.
"Wow, I'm going to be like Essien!" And they started arguing which one would make it as a superstar.
The tourist thought that no one would believe him, so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo.
The researchers found that the dogs were able to pick the angry or happy face by touching a picture of it with their noses more often than one would expect by random chance.
He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him.
One would have thought that Pinocchio had turned into a porpoise playing in the sun.
The man carrying the pole from south gate to the north one would get some gold pieces.
That would seem such a rational thing to do that no one would think it at all mysterious.
There he sat quite benumbed and motionless; one would have imagined he was frozen to death.
That deer rolled farther down into a ditch, where if I had gone, no one would have ever found me.
It might be something like that, a tiny something that one would set down like a couple of elements.
However, like many later experts, this one would have suffered from an inability to see into the future.
In 272 words, he defined the national principle so thoroughly that today no one would think of arguing it.
It seemed to me as though no one would ever quote Horace again, as anything but a lie. Of course, that's not the case.
In trying to explain the Roman phenomenon, one would have to place great emphasis on this almost instinct for the territorial imperative.
The ejecta surrounding the lunar crater is just what one would expect from an explosion ejecting a large volume of dust, soil, and boulders.
All this is so elementary that one would blush to state it if it were not being constantly forgotten by those who coin and circulate the new slogans.
They are to be admired and pitied, as one would pity and admire a being at once night and day, without eyes beneath his lashes but with a star on his brow.
But no-one would recognise it.
But no-one would recognise it.