The only time I even saw a moment of affection between them was much later, after Jano had married and I had moved out on my own.
Fighting an epic enemy only to see him respawn a moment later, or feeling as if the most important thing you did today was murdering ten rats, can cause a game to have a flat, repetitive feel.
Previously, the only dateable layers were from the moment the Permian ended and from a subsequent volcanic event some 14m years later.
Without warning, though, she disappears from sight, only to reappear a moment later, screaming in pain.
A well-rested person can not only remember more things later on, but they're also better able to focus their attention optimally in the moment.
Even so, a quarter of an hour later I was at Prudence's. She had returned only a moment before.
Even so, a quarter of an hour later I was at Prudence's. She had returned only a moment before.