Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, though he is only four years old.
She is only four years old, but can say her prayers as well as any of the rest.
I am big? He also only small small four years old than me, I also only four years older than he is.
Father saw, the heart is very happy: do not look at this child is only four years old, but also really sensible miles.
Joseph was only four years old, and still afraid of the dark, so Aunt Linda left the door open and the hall light on when she tucked us in to bed.
Only five members were left: the manager and four others, all over 60 years old.
And it's not only personal problems. Children as young as three and four years old can also be sensitive to poverty, hunger, crime, and divorce.
His own father was long gone, his mother was only thirty-four years old and on welfare.
In comparison, Swissôtel is expanding at a slower pace, with only four properties in China so far, the oldest of which, the Swissôtel Beijing Hong Kong Macau Center, is seventeen years old.
It always amazes foreigners in China to discover that a building which they assumed was put up over 50 years ago is in fact only four or five years old.
He and Carmen (his true love) are both Spanish, only three to four hundred years old, and they joined the succubus sisters later on.
Here is an example from the Twenty-four Filial Sons of Chinese history. In the Han dynasty, there was a boy named Huang Xiang whose mother died when he was only nine years old.
Mrs. Werner was 6 years old and spoke only Russian in 1906 when she, her four siblings and her mother left their hometown of Vladimir to join their father on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
1906年沃纳太太6岁时,和她的四位兄弟姐妹与母亲一起离开家乡弗拉基米尔到 曼哈顿下 东区与他们 的父亲团聚,那时她只会说俄语。
Mrs. Werner was 6 years old and spoke only Russian in 1906 when she, her four siblings and her mother left their hometown of Vladimir to join their father on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
1906年沃纳太太6岁时,和她的四位兄弟姐妹与母亲一起离开家乡弗拉基米尔到 曼哈顿下 东区与他们 的父亲团聚,那时她只会说俄语。