Only in this context, in order to use equation (13) of the axial force calculations.
This is not a full-blown code review; rather, a code review in the context of a migration assessment is generally concerned only with discovering the use of non-J2EE compliant code.
This data can only be classified within a business context and can't be classified using a simple hierarchical model, as shown in step 3.
此数据仅能在业务上下文中进行分类,而不能使用简单的层次结构模型(如第 3步中的模型)进行分类。
So if you are planning to use a pattern for a different purpose, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that in this catalog they are only documented in relation to that specific context.
This need to keep requirements, design, and implementation in sync has always been a challenge, and is only exasperated in the context of GDD.
Actually, I don't like the term "virtual" in this context, for it suggests that virtual space is somehow secondary or unreal and that physical space is the only real and true one.
This content is selected based on the context in which a user is acting, and only the subset of content which is relevant for a particular context is provided to the user.
If we apply this to SOA, we only build services as they are needed in the context of a project that is needed by the business.
The other Web Service Performance reports available won't really make much sense in this context, given the simplicity of these test examples and given that these tests are based on only one user.
In this context, we not only want to fail first, but also to do so with requesting the minimum amount of information from third party.
For this example, though, it won't be necessary because we'll only use this particular page in the context of a co-browsing session.
Indeed, the PM's behaviour at the moment can only be properly understood in this context.
There is only one TTS engine in this context so there's no attribute to specify which engine to use.
This field will only be filled in in interrupt context.
Local properties are only available to the activities executing in this context.
That DN is still perfectly viable in every context, including the ca that revoked it; it is only the DN and fingerprint together (this one certificate) that is invalid.
In this context, if we stuck with the public sector, we're only having an impact on 20 percent of the population, which is not a very good approach.
Another version only takes a namespace URI and local name; this one writes elements without a prefix (assuming the namespace URI is the default namespace in the context).
The HTTP 1.1 specification offers to invalidate cache entries (in the context of this article, this equates to remote caches) using specific HTTP request types only.
HTTP 1.1规范仅通过使用特定的HTTP请求类型即可使缓存项失效(在本文中,这与远程缓存等效)。
Note that the Project Explorer view in Figure 5 shows only files that are in the task context; in this case, some images and XML files.
If you did not use the import description File context menu command in the pattern Authoring view to import a description, this page will contain only the name of the pattern.
In all likelihood, this question can only be addressed in the context of quantum theory of gravity.
Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.
This is true even of seemingly identical signs, because each has its use value and is only intelligible as that which it exists to mean in a certain context.
You can only learn this from context in something you read or by being consciously taught it.
This is a perennial question, and one which can be answered only in an immediate, organizational context.
Legendary history is a seemingly self-contradictory phrase, for usually legend is only oral history, not recorded history, but this apparent contradiction melts by itself in the Chinese context.
In this context, moral Education research on Effectiveness practice has not only become urgent to resolve the issue, but also is an important issue on a moral theory.
NOTE 1-the term Traffic Class, as used in this standard, is used only in the context of the operation of the priority handling and queueing functions of the Forwarding Process, as described in 7.7.
NOTE 1-the term Traffic Class, as used in this standard, is used only in the context of the operation of the priority handling and queueing functions of the Forwarding Process, as described in 7.7.