However, this passage will help you to think like an economist, closely considering the opportunity cost of each of your decisions.
Like most entrepreneurs, we've sacrificed significant time and opportunity cost.
At lunchtime the opportunity cost of letting you take up a table for four is substantial.
Anyhow, this sentence told us that we need to consider opportunity cost when we make a choice.
This rate of return is often referred to asthe discount rate, hurdle rate, or opportunity cost of capital.
When interest rates eventually rise, the opportunity cost of holding gold will go up, taking off the shine.
My "opportunity cost" (I think now is a good time to start showing off some b-school lingo) was staggering.
Through an analysis of opportunity cost of the crime, evolve with the macroeconomics analysis of the crime.
Taxing interest the opportunity cost of present consumption and thereby creates incentives to lower saving.
Opportunity cost expresses the idea that for every choice, the true economic cost is the next best opportunity.
So this chapter’s first task is to defineand explain net present value, rate of return, and opportunity cost of capital.
Marginal opportunity cost — the additional cost of providing the last unit of good as measured by what is given up.
Cost of human resources can be measured by methods of historical cost, replacement cost, opportunity cost, and so on.
Should the coffee shop offer wireless Internet access if it isn't willing to accept the opportunity cost associated with it?
Some companies even identify an amount of the proposal budget to set aside, again to identify a minimum sales opportunity cost.
Comparative advantage — a comparative advantage prevails for products which have the lowest opportunity cost price takers.
What’s more, as wages continue to rise, the opportunity cost for peasants to leave high school and enter the work force skyrockets.
Give an example of an opportunity cost that an accountant might not count as a cost. Why would the accountant ignore this cost?
Worse yet, there is an opportunity cost for the other projects that might otherwise have been funded but are now lost opportunities.
Even the major oil companies may be unwilling to put their capital to use if the opportunity cost is too great and the returns too low.
In some of the world's most expensive cities, perhaps the greatest opportunity cost is the loss of scarce and valuable real estate.
We require two drivers to appropriately capture the time-based and use-based measure of opportunity cost of under-utilized resources.
The opportunity cost of spending $17 on a CD is what you would havedone with the $17 instead, and perhaps the value of the time spentshopping.
If you're stuck in a job with little upward mobility, the best career move may be to head back to school while the opportunity cost is smallest.
Opportunity cost — the net benefit foregone because the resource providing the service can no longer be used in its next most beneficial use.
Acount payable in business on credit brings credit capital, while cash discount for acount payable has the form of opportunity cost generally.
Acount payable in business on credit brings credit capital, while cash discount for acount payable has the form of opportunity cost generally.