One of my purposes in writing this book is to give readers who haven't had the opportunity to see and enjoy real mathematics the chance to appreciate the mathematical way of thinking.
Our Northern Beaches tour provides an opportunity to see the paradisaical beach culture in Sydney.
On Nanjing Dong Lu, the rare opportunity to see Nicole Kidman on a billboard.
You will have the opportunity to see me work, and it won't cost you a dime.
I am honoured to have had the opportunity to see a Lynx up close and personal.
I am glad to have had the opportunity to see so many fans in so many different places.
While you are there, seize the opportunity to see the many prides of lions in the Masai Mara.
The attendees of those two conferences will have the opportunity to see pre-beta builds of Windows 7.
The opening ceremony provides a wonderful opportunity to see all of the different Olympic symbols.
It gives us the opportunity to see successes and, in some cases, failures before we put capital at risk.
Don't ruin any opportunity to see her again with a cocky demeanor to deter her from future communication.
You'll get your best opportunity to see more money in your paycheck in July, at the coming eclipse and also in mid-September.
"It's really the last opportunity to see something that's a feat of mankind," the man, who identified himself as Nate, told CNN.
Reporter: Polly created a remarkable program that, I should say, gave me the opportunity to see things I wouldn't have otherwise.
Immediately you will encounter some should-not-occur conditions, and so will have the opportunity to see how gracefully the design ADAPTS.
“Our fans are going to be thrilled to have the opportunity to see such a phenomenal player compete again at our tournament, ” he said.
He gave me a priceless gift: the opportunity to see my child while I was still a very public figure, so I'm highly biased in his favor.
Acting in the world gives us the opportunity to see ourselves through our behaviors and it allows us to adjust our expectations as we learn.
Other eager converts had purchased tickets months in advance for the opportunity to see the film, meet the doctors and make the diet work for them.
Within the next few days, we'll have the opportunity to see Chrome OS and see how it differs from Android and other desktop operating systems.
This provides the opportunity to see if there are conflicts because older changes on the primary may not fit well with new changes on the standby.
As a youngster, it is left for you to convince your parent to understand the benefits of traveling and offer you an opportunity to see the world.
The irony was that many rural Indians never got to hear about or have the opportunity to see the car that was supposed to help transform their lives.
It is a demand we often neglect or resist, but every four years we are reminded with this opportunity to see anew, aided by the light of an Olympic flame.
The OSIMM standard provides an opportunity to see a wide range of SOA maturities and at the same time understand the different benefits that accrue with each.
O SIMM标准列出了较宽跨度的SOA成熟度模型,同时又介绍了各种成熟度能够得到的收益。
It's not as if "Black Swan" provides a unique opportunity to see images of thin women; they are available all over television, the Web, and on every newsstand.
It's not as if "Black Swan" provides a unique opportunity to see images of thin women; they are available all over television, the Web, and on every newsstand.