Depending on your circumstances you can opt for one method or the other.
Mobile users can opt to retrieve only some or all archived documents.
Students can opt to go to private colleges after secondary studies.
Couples who are truly committed to each other can also opt to renew their wedding vows. And there’s no better day to do it than on Valentine’s Day.
You have two options: you can either use a branded profile with your company's logo, or you can opt to create a more personal profile that unites your own personal brand with that of the company.
You can, of course, opt out in whole or in part - updating your location manually, or concealing it altogether.
Additionally, you can opt to offer readers a preview of the first 15 pages of your book to help them decide if they want to make a purchase.
Sure, you can opt for the salad - but the calories you get from the salad dressing can pretty much negate any vitamins you get from the vegetables.
On the flip side, webpage owners can choose to opt out by adjusting a few lines of code.
Users can still opt for the free version of reQall as well, though they will miss out on some of the most interesting new features.
The user can opt to trade speed of computation for a higher margin of error, but the app can generally get the error under 1 percent in less than a second.
Vendors can then opt to offer a deal with a 10, 30 or 50 percent commission.
The quality of this product is extremely striking and buyers can opt for a number of page layouts and finishes.
Hold down Opt + drag within the layers palette can also duplicate layers.
To do this, each player has to choose a side—they can opt for Zion (pro-human forces), the Machines (the forces against humans) or the Merovingian (a side working solely for itself).
For better understanding, a regular dbspace is named as Index dbspace, and you can opt for creating indices in this dbspace.
为了更好地理解,一个常规dbspace被命名为Index dbspace,您可以选择在这个dbspace中创建索引。
You can also opt to embed graphic ICONS in the document editor view to indicate where tags start and stop (a concept derived from XMetal).
You can go with a nice jacked up four wheel drive truck or you can opt to go with a pretty red Mazda Miata.
A new user can opt to share the profile information in Facebook instead of developing a new account.
Unauthenticated access - For all connection modes, services can opt out of the client authorization facility provided by the Relay and allow unauthenticated client access.
Therefore, before zipping a Rational Project, you can opt for not considering this folder (if it's not important for your new environment).
For example, editing the browser location, a Sametime user can opt to use either Internet Explorer or Firefox for displaying directions and/or maps.
例如,编辑浏览器位置,Sametime用户可选择使用InternetExplorer或Firefox来显示路线和 / 或地图。
There's still no matte option, but at least you can opt out of getting a Magic Mouse and substitute in a Magic Trackpad this time.
You can also opt to receive inbound Google Voice calls from inside the GMail interface.
If you want to enable logging, you can opt for the standard Linux log files by including a useSyslog line, or you can use a specific file of your own by including LogFile=/the/full/path/to/your/file.
如果希望启用日志记录,可以通过包含useSyslog 行使用标准的Linux日志文件,也可以通过包含 LogFile=/the/full/path/to/your/file使用自己的文件。
Your colleagues may make this into a contest of lame witticisms, but you can simply opt out.
You can opt for hiding progress and adding image files without extension.
The original stated that members will have their exact whereabouts disclosed and that users can opt out from this service.
However, this does not mean that the United States can completely opt out and leave everything to the Europeans.
However, this does not mean that the United States can completely opt out and leave everything to the Europeans.