You will feel more buoyant and optimistic about the future than you have for a long time.
I told someone that show makes me a little more optimistic because you can see how much progress society can make in a short period of time.
If you have the right genes and are selfless, optimistic and active but still find yourself down in the dumps, just give it some time.
These folks admit to feeling grateful and sad, joyous and angry, optimistic and defeated, all at the same time; yet only half of their emotions are acceptable in the public eye.
Perhaps more than at any other time in history, scientists are optimistic that extraterrestrial life does exist, and that a firm confirmation can be had.
Procrastinators are not different in their ability to estimate time, although they are more optimistic than others.
Focus on spending time with the optimistic people in your life and you might just become one of them.
In 2011, however, it's time to be more 'cautiously optimistic.' it's time to un-shrink the hotel marketing budget!
Getting expert advice at the right time can avoid costly mistakes at startup, from sales forecasts that are too optimistic to ill-advised marketing strategies.
That was far more optimistic than other forecasts at the time it was published, and quickly became laughably Panglossian.
Over and over they find that middle age, instead of being a time of depression and decline, is actually a time of being more optimistic overall.
Therefore, people shouldn't pay too much attention to their money. On the contrary, what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic outlook all the time.
An optimistic bill to get to Mars would come to half a trillion dollars over time.
The German, whose team-mate Rosberg finished fifth – ahead of him for the second time in two races – was optimistic for Sepang.
A way to avoid this is to be more optimistic and believe that it is unlikely that another transaction would want to update the same entity at the same time.
Optimistic locking in DB2 9.5 improves scalability by minimizing the time for which a given resource is unavailable for use by other transactions.
DB2 V9.5 的乐观锁定特性最小化了给定资源对于其他事务的不可用时间,进一步改善了可伸缩性。
You have to understand that the stock market spikes every time there is some fairly optimistic step of repair of Europe's financial condition.
As physical database locks are held for a longer time duration than with an optimistic locking strategy, there is more of a chance for performance and throughput being impacted.
An optimistic reading of events would be that the countries involved want some extra time because they are serious about reaching a strong and binding agreement.
He said he was optimistic the time frame for a transfer of power could be negotiated.
If a large number of rollbacks caused by optimistic lock exceptions are occurring, it may be time to rethink your strategy.
The optimistic estimate is a few days, but the mechanic can't tell us for sure until he spends more time with the RV (much like investigating a defect in our code).
I'm optimistic that the stress feelings will continue to diminish with time.
At thinking of the way to get through this difficulty, the fisherman, who had been very optimistic in the past, fell into silence and helplessness this time.
It seemed a very optimistic prediction at the time, given how few shops were configuring even basic WebSphere MQ security.
James, an optimistic and sweet Ugandan, has a lovely singing voice and gives the production a jolt of bright energy each time she's onstage.
James, an optimistic and sweet Ugandan, has a lovely singing voice and gives the production a jolt of bright energy each time she's onstage.