For example, as shown in FIG. 8a, an oxide layer 810 optionally is patterned on a silicon substrate 820.
From the Wizard or the command line interface, you can optionally specify if WSDL import is to be used in the target WSDL file.
Razor is optionally called by a number of other filter tools, such as SpamAssassin.
If it is an invoke activity or human task activity, input data can be optionally provided.
A topic is, simply, a chunk of information consisting of a heading and some text, optionally divided into sections.
Each operation is defined through an input and, optionally, an output message.
There is really no loss in doing this, and SSH even (optionally) adds its own compression layer to enhance performance.
A glossary is a collection of specialized terms with their meanings and, optionally, their translations.
The created element could be optionally returned, but it is not necessary and you chose not to include it.
The focus of XML is to provide a self-defining exchange notation optionally associated with a rigorous schema that itself can be exchanged.
The database security administrator can optionally delegate this ability to others when the role membership is granted.
The additional headers can be chained, that is, the application data can optionally contain one or more headers before the payload data.
The key purpose, besides the obvious clearing of the panel, is to optionally enforce business rules with the custom event handlers.
This function is completely reusable by any chain of visitors that needs to optionally evaluate the rest of the chain based on type.
A FLWOR expression is much like a SELECT-FROM-WHERE expression in SQL: it is used to iterate through a list of items and to optionally return something that is computed from each item.
FLWOR表达式非常像SQL中的SELECT - FROM - WHERE表达式——它用于对由多项组成的一个列表进行迭代,并且可以选择返回通过在每一项上进行计算得到的值。
Structurally, it is a title followed by text and images, optionally organized into sections.
Once done, the index can be optionally optimized before it is closed and the changed committed.
This is the queue over which the internal SCA MDB would listen on and then deliver messages to the associated SCA component after the optionally configured Data Binding class is invoked.
A locale name is constructed from a two-letter lowercase ISO country code, optionally followed by an underscore or hyphen and a two-letter uppercase ISO language code.
A partial method is usually defined in a partial class file and is optionally implemented in the regular class file.
IBM NAS is used for authentication and optionally for per-message encryption between NFS client and server.
A panel is displayed where you can configure this new policy by entering a name and, optionally, a description.
Only after it gets translated and optionally approved by administrators is it replicated to the production server and subsequently made available to the public.
You can also use this command to create a new branch that is based on and optionally tracks changes to a specified existing branch.
DB2 can also optionally verify that an XML document is valid with respect to a given XML schema.
DB 2还可以选择性地针对所给XML模式对XML文档进行验证。
Relations are flat, highly structured, strongly typed, and unordered while XML data is ordered, nested, hierarchical, optionally typed and often irregular and semi-structured.
The handle to the interface and optionally the object UUID is also specified.
Optionally, the type of adapter can be specified if it is something other than the default (TCPIP HTTP).
For the single, integrated table, the command is the same except for the table (and optionally the index) name.
A WebSphere application server feature Pack is an optionally installable product extension for the application server, that provides a set of new related standards and features.