I frequently read or hear people say something along the lines of "this or that is not properly object oriented", or "... function oriented ", or something else similar to that.
The problem with this type of approach is that the users frequently don't really know what they want and either change their minds or think of something else along the way.
So does the low volume we’re seeing reflect the normal stock market lull experienced during this time of year? Or is there something else going on?
This can give you the feeling that something is missing from your life, or that you are "running behind" everyone else.
Despite this, it wasn't clear whether the gene causes obesity, or is simply tends to occur at the same time to something else that does.
Do you think this is a good idea or is there something else you'd suggest? '?
This means that class time is now free for something else: one-on-one instruction by Ms Cadwell, or what used to be known as tutoring.
This is the correct response when a co-worker (or anyone else, for that matter) presents you with something but you don't have anything for them.
A man senses and feels and thinks, and he believes this and that, but the man who is doing all this is a body, a living body, and not something else called a mind or soul.
Some persons have natural gift from GOD of painting, hand crafts or something else, like the same one of my friend is also gifted with this arts, here are some of pictures.
Is this a CUDA thread synchronization issue or something else?
This image is passed through another algorithm, which detects whether the object that appears in the new image is a person or something else.
If right now, someone else or something else can determine what happens within you, this is the worst form of slavery, isn't it?
How can this be? Are humans simply built better or is there something else behind the mind-blowing speeds on the racetrack?
This is something that really needs to be addressed or else affliction locks will forever be locked into those talents.
Remember this: one definition of happiness is simply the absence of an opposite emotion, whether it is pain, sadness or something else.
Remember this: one definition of happiness is simply the absence of an opposite emotion, whether it is pain, sadness or something else.