To me, that would have been crucial; after all, I wouldn't tell a child there is no Santa Claus or why I am an atheist without a parent's permission.
When it comes to the letter grade on your test or homework, you might notice that there is no letter. Have you ever thought about why that is so?
People anchor to the information they were given, even though there's kind of no causality or no sort of reason why it should make any difference.
I have no idea why a boomerang is attacking a plant or whether the magical hovering computer monitor is aiding in the attack or fleeing the scene.
The general didn't understand why the poor man was so happy, though he seemed to have no power, money or fame.
But no one seems to know how they died, what they are doing here, or why they are on show to curious visitors.
Rather than asking questions that have 'yes' or 'no' answers, ask 'how' and 'why' questions.
Why is there virtually no mainstream news or debate about the deeper questions of existence?
Malone had no idea who or why, but he was grateful, since escaping from that crypt could have proven tough.
Why Is It Cool? No fancy graphics or widgets to distract you, this intuitively designed start page helps keep you on task.
Everyone knew that waves were generated by distant storms, but no one knew where they came from or why, and no one had tried to make surf forecasts.
Musical instruments have been found dating back tens of thousands of years. Yet no one knows why we love music, or what function, if any, it serves.
The illness was not revealed.She returned a month later, and no more details were provided on her status or why she had sought treatment overseas.
Why should they bother with something of little-to-no interest when they could have (or plead for) the thing they crave?
And really, no one knows what sweet dreams are made of, why we have them or even what we're doing sleeping our life away anyway.
She returned a month later, and no more details were provided on her status or why she had sought treatment overseas.
That's why no. 2 brands should not promote "love" or other emotional attributes.
That's why there are no while loops or for loops in Haskell and instead we many times have to use recursion to declare what something is.
For those of who are passionate about these things, Jobs and, by extension, Apple have literally had no idea what we want, why we would want it or how to deliver it to us.
You're on your own; there's no supervisor to tell you what, why, or how to do something.
They are always busy wondering how things work or why things are the way they are, leaving no room for boredom.
In other words, many of these people have been essentially corralled into clicking a random link and may have no idea why they are visiting a particular site - or, indeed, what site they are visiting.
No matter if you caused the hurt or if another person caused the hurt, try to understand why it occurred.
Why does Nietzsche think, or how does he argue that there is no pure good or bad?
Why does Nietzsche think, or how does he argue that there is no pure good or bad?