These costs are charged to an asset account entitled organization costs.
Conceptually, organization costs are an intangible asset that will benefit the corporation over its entire life.
Furthermore, banding with Coase's dissertation of the "organization costs", we can also explain the boundary of the firm with the coherence between the history and the logic.
The organization must be diligent about managing costs, optimizing resources, and ensuring that the projects contribute to the corporate goals.
Societies need to prepare now to deal with the health problems and costs associated with older age and anticipate the major social changes in the organization of work, family and social support.
Costs: in order to satisfy rising demand, companies had to invest heavily in production, inventory, sales, and organization.
Categorize all the legacy application in terms of the business returns they provide and maintenance costs the organization would have to incur to sustain it.
Ease of download and installation could result in product proliferation inside an IT organization, in turn raising operational costs and ruining standardization efforts.
The organization is analyzed to understand the business processes and costs associated with software development activities.
The same organization says pet owners make fewer doctor visits and pay lower health care costs.
At the same time monitoring (and stopping) these virtual instances provided the usage analysis capabilities required for the organization to dynamically assess and leverage infrastructure costs.
While not a fit for every organization, VDI can significantly lower costs, both direct and ongoing.
The organization has previously noted that compliance costs will be borne by tenants in the form of higher rents or maintenance charges.
OCLC is a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing information costs.
OCLC成立于 1967 年,是一家提供计算机图书馆服务的非盈利性会员制研究机构,其宗旨是实现促进世界信息访问和减少图书馆成本这一公共目标。
With MDM Server, an organization can centralize its most critical data into a single trusted source — allowing them to identify their most valuable customers, increase revenues, and reduce costs.
Lowering IT costs and increasing business revenues are realized by deploying a governance solution that addresses and aligns your whole IT organization: your value chain and supply chain.
This may be a bit more expensive in the short run, but in the long run could help your organization save money on implementation costs.
Public clouds very clearly can help an organization reduce costs associated with owning software and data center infrastructure components.
And when problems are identified, they require significant rework by the development organization, increasing project costs and impacting delivery schedules.
If wrapping incurs higher operational costs, the IT organization refaces or componentizes heavily used applications to improve performance.
如果包装模式的操作成本较高,IT 将对使用频繁的应用程序进行重构或组件化来提高性能。
When financial prices change dramatically, it can increase costs, reduce revenues, or otherwise adversely impact the profitability of an organization.
The food and Agricultural Organization says food costs worldwide spiked 23 percent from 2006 to 2007. Grains went up 42 percent, while dairy increased by 80 percent.
Your organization might incur costs related to applicants; for example, if you reimburse applicants for travel costs or overnight accommodations.
In such a portfolio summary, executives can analyze schedules, costs, resource utilization, and other factors at a high level across all the projects taking place throughout the organization.
Reasonable Logistic Organization Structure is benefit for smoother course, lower costs, and higher efficiency.
While the firm's choice of the internal organization structure is a tradeoff between the control rights, transaction costs, financial risks and tax costs.
The Council shall determine the rate of interest to apply in such cases, reflecting the additional costs to the Organization.
Tough economic times are forcing many companies to redefine corporate structures, with a primary goal of flatting their organization in an attempt to cut costs and speed the decision-making process.
This will be a common scheme used in the future, applying to Utopian community art creation based on high costs without artistic organization financing support.
This will be a common scheme used in the future, applying to Utopian community art creation based on high costs without artistic organization financing support.