I sometimes use the mantra, like just breathing in the breath of God and breathing out the breath of God.
Nana knew that kind of breathing, and she tried to drag herself out of Liza's clutches.
We're measuring how many viruses and bacteria all of us are breathing in and out every day, particularly on airplanes or closed auditoriums.
A year before, Susan had simply reached a point where she needed to protect her life-her breathing in and breathing out-more than the rest of it: her freedom, her dental appointments, her job.
Try this very simple meditation: close your eyes (after reading the rest of this paragraph) and pay attention to your breathing. Notice your breath as it enters your body, and again as it goes out.
HUMAN JAKE EXPLODES out of the Link, slamming to the floor where he gags for breath. With his last strength, he claws toward an emergency breathing mask — across the room.
Since fainting is not a very productive way of easing out of your latest assignment, practicing meditation and yogic breathing techniques can keep your mind, hands and heartbeat steady.
If breathing still hasn't started, clear out the mouth some more with a clean finger, and give two quick and extremely gentle puffs of air into his or her nose and mouth.
Trouble was, there were not enough biologists doing the job of figuring out how all these genes and proteins worked together to create a living, breathing organism.
Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence.
It was like breathing out a sigh of relief, to be able to let go of photos.
As it turns out, deep breathing is not only relaxing, it's been scientifically proven to affect the heart, the brain, digestion, the immune system - and maybe even the expression of genes.
I never saw anything but felt that there was something there, just out of sight in the gloom, breathing and watching.
If breathing still hasn't started, clear out the mouth some more with a clean finger and give two quick and extremely gentle puffs of air into his or her nose and mouth.
Take another comfortable deep breath in and then just exhaling letting it all go with a sigh as you are breathing out all frustrations of the day.
With your eyes closed, try breathing in through your nose to a count of three, and out through your mouth slowly to a count of six.
For instance, when I practice this exercise of breathing in, I'm aware of my eyes; breathing out, I smile to my eyes and realize that they are still in good condition.
But Mr Boehner has had trouble talking previous, less fire-breathing Republican caucuses out of doctrinaire stances.
He was still breathing, and when a member of the gallery pointed that out, Spitzka and another physician re-examined Kemmler.
当旁观席上一位证人(amemberofthe gallery)指出他还在呼吸时,Spitzka和另一名法医重新检查凯姆勒。
And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest.
Weeping petrified , out of his mind . . . - half buried , yet still breathing.
呆滞无神地哭泣。 。 。被掩埋了一半身体,另一半却仍在呼吸。
You are exercising at moderate intensity if you are breathing faster than normal but can still say a sentence or two out loud or sing a snatch of a favorite song.
CONCLUSIONS to control infection effectively, effective sterilizing measures must be carried out, especially attention to sterilizing and managements of the breathing circuit.
Create a response plan, so when the conversation gets dangerously close to one of your bottom lines, you can practice deep breathing, take a short time out, and walk away from the conversation.
By that same token one of the main goals with Diablo III is to flesh out Sanctuary, to make it feel more like you're in this living and breathing world.
Take another comfortable deep breath in and then just exhaling letting it all go with a sigh as you are breathing out all the frustrations of the day.
Usually someone does it out of bad experience of breathing one time on butterfly when they pick up a mouthful of water.
Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry closely out of the corners of his small, sharp eyes.
Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry closely out of the corners of his small, sharp eyes.