The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.
Out of curiosity, I followed Timothy and Jenna.
Out of curiosity, I paid a visit to Sainz Breeze as I put my hand into a packet of crickets with their tiny eyes and legs.
Then, out of curiosity, boredom, who knows what.
In October 2008, like many others, I created a Twitter account out of curiosity.
Out of curiosity, she asked him, "Why do you keep saying, 'oh my god, oh my god'?"
Ryden: Nope. Just out of curiosity though, do you think I'm making the right decision?
They may risk being stung for the sweet reward of honey, or out of curiosity for this fascinating insect.
Many of us, out of curiosity, are fond of putting meanings to everything that is happening around us.
Out of curiosity I asked to meet the chef but was told that there was a trio behind this successful restaurant.
Then, an old man who sweeped the ground walked there. Out of curiosity, he asked the old man the origin of the grave.
Now it's essentially tourists who might not read French and look at the books out of curiosity but no longer buy.
It is possible they have the ability to emit sound, and perhaps they approached the submarines out of curiosity.
Brother Sharp wins cult following, What do you think about it, do you think it's out of sympathy, or out of curiosity?
He said to the dentist just out of curiosity can you tell me what the price of gold has? What it's been doing lately?
I went, of course, out of curiosity, and found him crouched next to the steps holding a large, old-fashioned pocket watch.
Out of curiosity, the research team also tested what impact Rogaine, a popular hair loss treatment, would have on the balding mice.
出于好奇心,研究团队也测试了Rogaine -一种常用的脱发治疗药剂对掉毛小老鼠的作用。
We will have to wait and see, of course, how many of these visitors just went to the site out of curiosity and how many will become loyal users.
From the earliest and original meaning, academic freedom is that scholar freely probed the origin of the universe, merely out of curiosity.
On the occasions when they have pushed to shore an unconscious human being they have much more likely done it out of curiosity or for sport.
I catch all small animals except that one; animals that merely go into the trap out of curiosity, I think, to see what the milk is there for.
With the song having become an enormous hit, many people who did not plan to watch the film will probably now flock to cinemas out of curiosity.
I did it out of curiosity. Studying gave me a lot of satisfaction, which is very different from a lot of people, who can't wait to finish studying.
Out of curiosity, the project manager looked into the history of the Web site to see if there was a particular reason for the site being so difficult.
Out of curiosity, the project manager looked into the history of the Web site to see if there was a particular reason for the site being so difficult.