Which I'm sure didn't put chief executive Howard Shultz out of pocket.
They must either pay out of pocket or take their chances in crowded hospital emergency rooms.
The state pays the difference (at least notionally: some universities complain that they are left out of pocket).
Some insurers will also stipulate that you join a care-management program, which could cost $1,500 or more out of pocket, Dr. Flum said.
But at the time, we had to pay out of pocket for everything here, and then chase down reimbursement for it through a maze of paperwork once we got home.
You don't know when or whether you'll need treatment - but if you do, treatment can be extremely expensive, well beyond what most people can pay out of pocket.
As noted in your documents, over 60% of health expenditure in the Region is paid out of pocket, and this already makes a significant contribution to widespread poverty.
I also support sharply increasing the fraction of all medical care spending on the elderly that comes from out of pocket spending by patients (see my post on March 28).
They think Banks were overpaid for the risks they took. Issues were priced as much as 40% below market prices so stocks would have had to plunge before Banks would be out of pocket.
Providing coverage to all is a financial challenge, but most systems now rely on out-of-pocket payments which is the least fair and effective method.
She paid out-of-pocket for treatment and medications, fearing that someone at work would find out about her condition through her insurance.
The study used federal survey data to compare the cost of both insurance premiums and out-of-pocket health spending with gross incomes from 2001 to 2006-the last year for which data were available.
To investigate the effect of survey design, specifically the number of items and recall period, on estimates of household out-of-pocket and catastrophic expenditure on health.
Many Regional Committees addressed the severe problem of reliance on out-of-pocket payment to cover health care costs.
In addition, many health plans have limited coverage for mental health and substance use disorders, which increases out-of-pocket costs for our patients.
It also subtracts payroll and income taxes, child care costs and out-of-pocket medical expenses.
Though this is a problem in many OECD countries, in America the proportion of out-of-pocket spending has declined sharply in the past few decades.
While the private sector attracts most out-of-pocket spending, user fees remain a barrier to access to public services for people on very low incomes.
Out-of-pocket expenditure at the point of service is the least efficient, and the most impoverishing - already pushing millions below the poverty line each year.
You may well find the encouragement, support and financial and medical resources you need to better manage your illness and to save on your own out-of-pocket health care costs.
Descriptive statistics and log-linear models were used to identify factors associated with out-of-pocket expenditure on delivery.
They are charged higher premiums for health insurance yet still have greater out-of-pocket expenses for things as basic as contraception and maternity care.
Patients like Ms Ahlstrand use e-mail because it is free and convenient, whereas a personal visit can involve hassle and an out-of-pocket payment.
More money spent on food means less money available for health care, especially for the many millions of poor households who rely on out-of-pocket payments when they fall ill.
Most care for these diseases is covered through out-of-pocket payments, leading to catastrophic medical expenditures.
As they face huge out-of-pocket expenses, deductibles and “co-payments” for operations, they are increasingly heading overseas to cheaper facilities.
You may need to pay out-of-pocket for any fees associated with elective breast implants, including follow-up screening and corrective surgery.
You may need to pay out-of-pocket for any fees associated with elective breast implants, including follow-up screening and corrective surgery.