The slightest motion of a patient in bed creates friction between skin and sheets and results in loss of cells from the skin's outermost layer.
When this happens at the outermost level of a script, it automatically assumes that the argument list is the parameter.
XML documents have a tree structure, descending from the document element or outermost element.
However, some queries might present themselves as potential update targets (such as a query referencing only one nickname on the outermost SELECT).
The outermost element of a message will appropriately have a global name, which will distinguish that message from all other messages.
In the example, this is represented by the outermost select statement, which USES S1 as a subquery.
To show how the defense in depth works, we will first examine a centric model of three primary layers: core, middle, and outermost.
The outermost element also encloses one or more elements, each representing a result item matching the search query.
The outermost element encloses one or more elements, each representing a video matching the query.
A lunar-based radio telescope would be able to detect long wavelengths that cannot be sensed on Earth because they are absorbed by the outermost layers of the planet's atmosphere.
The value returned by the outermost expression in a query is the result of the query.
On a sunny day , David went to the outermost outskirts .
The sun's outermost region, called the corona, shines like a halo around the moon during a total solar eclipse.
Greenpeace says the only preventative measure taken by the power plant has been to compact the outermost coal ash to form a makeshift dam.
The outermost element encloses one or more elements, each representing a calendar event.
Carbon monoxide has a simple but distinctive outermost orbital structure with two side-by-side lobes sticking out from the end of the tip, one with a positive phase and the other a negative phase.
The outermost element encloses one or more elements, each representing a single contact.
The outermost layer is the technologies, a combination of which has a better chance of protecting the SOAs than a single technology can.
Finally, the outermost part of a star's atmosphere is the corona, which if super-hot might be linked with convection in the outer layers.
We leave it as an exercise to the reader to rewrite the outermost for loop in a more elegant fashion.
By convention, yui-main displays on the left, unless you add a class style to the outermost div to change the order of the two columns.
To this, add a sequence activity that will be the outermost structural element required in the Echo process.
Your outermost XML element (that is, the root) is words so you create a words method.
The outermost element also encloses one or more elements, each representing a Google Buzz post.
最外层的元素也包含一个或多个元素,分别代表一个Google buzz帖子。
The accretion of these "planetesimals" is believed to take a few hundred thousand to about twenty million years, with the outermost taking the longest to form.
Another possible policy you can set on the handler chain: a handler chain can invoke a handler based on the qname of the outermost element of a SOAP header.
And the UK's Civil Aviation Authority also announced a closure of air services over Scotland's outermost Hebrides islands on Monday night.
Spend a few moments focusing on the temples and allowing them to release completely from the outermost corners of the eyes towards the opening of the ears.
A subdural hematoma (also know as a subdural hemorrhage) is a buildup of blood immediately below the dura-the outermost of the three membranes that surround the brain.
A subdural hematoma (also know as a subdural hemorrhage) is a buildup of blood immediately below the dura-the outermost of the three membranes that surround the brain.